• This error occurs opening the Stock or Reviews panel on the Woocommerce Orders page.

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_type() on boolean in /var/www/vhosts/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/checkout-fees-for-woocommerce/includes/class-alg-wc-checkout-fees-info.php:106

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  • Plugin Support kenil802


    Hi @edir,

    Regarding the query, I have tried to replicate your issue on our staging site, but I am unable to replictae it. To me, no eror occurs while opening the Stock or Reviews panel on the WC orders page. Here you can see the screenshots:
    1) https://prnt.sc/u8xbqo
    2) https://prnt.sc/u8xefv

    So, to troubleshootthe issue, can you please share the steps to replicate the issue so that we can check once.

    Kenil Shah

    This error looks the same as I had here:

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_type () on boolean in …/public_html/novaloja/wp-content/plugins/checkout-fees-for-woocommerce/includes /class-alg-wc-checkout-fees-info.php:106

    I was trying to update the product page (with Elementor Pro) and it gave 500 error (I couldn’t save).

    To “fix” it I had to activate the WordPress debug and found this error in the log.

    It was just disable the plugin that my problem was solved.

    Thread Starter Edir Pedro


    I found my error and it was on my theme. I use the hook woocommerce_get_price_html and inside it I call the shortcode alg_show_checkout_fees_lowest_price_info to print a custom layout.

    The problem is that this hook is called on a REST request made for the Stock tab and the product is not available on the $post var for the shortcode. I tried to make a setup_postdata() to active that product but it didn’t work, so I just checked if is a REST request to pass the original html price instead.

    Maybe [alg_show_checkout_fees_lowest_price_info product=123] could make it easy to retrieve that content and avoid errors.

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