Hey Mike,
Thanks for your kind words, and for checking out Super Progressive Web Apps! My name is Arun.
Since SuperPWA is network first, When the device is online, the PWA will work just as it works right now.
When the device is offline, everything cached offline will be available. Including product variations. Requests to the server will fail though.
If you have a standard WooCommerce install, the user should be able to enjoy most of it offline and look at the products and read everything there is to read. We have plans to take this further in the future of course!
My suggestion is to go ahead and give SuperPWA a spin see how it works for your website. If you do not think your users would find the experience in the current form, you can simply uninstall and the plugin will delete everything it created (100% clean uninstall is one of the standards we have for SuperPWA).
I would love to hear your feedback. Have a good Sunday!