• Variable products seem to be completely broken. I am sometimes able to add some variable products and have them show up on the product page. Usually, not, however. There seems to be very little rhyme or reason for products displaying or not displaying.

    I did notice just now (after upgrading to the latest WooCommerce release) that when trying to create the variables (again) I had mistyped and put “16oz” as opposed to “16 oz” (with the space.) Suddenly THAT variation appeared on the front page, but no others. Curious, I went back and removed the spaces for all of them, as follows: 2oz|4.5oz|8oz|16oz The only one to not show up was the 4.5oz entry.

    I’ve seen quite a few other posts regarding this.


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  • I am noticing the same problems. It’s frustrating. Seems to be messing up some of my purchased add ons as well.

    I’ve noticed the same behavior with the 2.0.4 upgrade. I can see the options are being echoed by variables.php when viewing the page source. It looks like during the page load javascript must remove it because they are not their when I inspect the element in chrome.

    I’m digging through the javascript to try to find code that could do this. Does someone with more familiarity with the woocommerce javascript have an idea of what portion of the code could remove options from the variation drop-down?

    I found my issue. Variations are not displayed if they have a blank price or are out of stock. I’m not sure how this changed with 2.0.4 but this is when I started to experience the issue. My variations had no price because they were set by a custom plugin that set prices at the category level.

    Adding this to my plugin resolved the issue by bypassing the blank price and in stock check:

    add_filter('woocommerce_product_is_visible', 'product_variation_always_shown', 10, 2);
    function product_variation_always_shown($is_visible, $id){
        return true;

    Adding this to my plugin resolved the issue by bypassing the blank price and in stock check:

    Hello Barteled,
    could you please tell in which file and where you added the code?
    Thanks a lot.
    This is still not fixed i 2.0.8 !

    For the site I needed this I already had a custom plugin so I added this code to the main file of the plugin. If you used a blank plugin example, you would place this code in <plugin-name>.php. I believe it would also work if you added it to functions.php of a theme.



    Guys, since last up-date WP and Woocommerce our Pay Button don’t like us! If we follow up View Order on Side everything work but schow on the end:
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘greater’ in ‘where clause’] UPDATE gvs_wysija_user SET domain = ” WHERE greater = ”

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