Hi Tim
Thanks for getting back to me. I just remembered I have a chat transcript of the conversation with the hosting provider.
The message was actually ‘access forbidden’
This is some of what was said;
‘It appears that your site is currently online, but our firewall has blocked for ip address for hitting mod security errors. I have removed the block on your ip and you should now be able to access the site’
‘Sometimes when certain changes are made, it can set off a false positive and the system thinks someone is hacking the account. If the problem persists we may be able to set up an exception for your ip.’
They also provided this on the chat; ‘340748 Atomicorp.com UNSUPPORTED DELAYED Rules: Generic Path Recursion denied’
I haven’t tried the same thing again as it may trigger the problem. I am going to get some custom CSS written to change some wording instead.
Hope this helps, I think it’s more to do with the server than the plugin but it’s something to keep in mind for other users too.