Woo REST API returns a 200 but with ‘Syntax error.’
First we fire this json call:
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this works, it returns a 200
than minutes later we update the product because the stock has changed:
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this returns a: http response code : 200 message : Syntax error.
Then we try again with this code:
{ "articleNumber": 6050, "pluNumber": "", "syncMarker": 84917, "changeTimestamp": { "sec": 29, "min": 10, "hour": 11, "day": 2, "mon": 2, "year": 2022, "isdst": false, "timezone": 0 }, "createTimestamp": { "sec": 57, "min": 54, "hour": 21, "day": 26, "mon": 5, "year": 2021, "isdst": false, "timezone": 0 }, "active": true, "description": "FunCakes Musketzaad Discomix 80 g", "colour": "", "size": "", "invoiceText": "", "receiptText": "", "displayText": "", "barcode": "8720143517112", "brandName": "FunCakes", "turnoverGroup": 2, "vatCode": 1, "vatPercentage": 900, "averagePurchasePrice": 139, "purchasePrice": 135, "priceIncl": 260, "priceExcl": 239, "supplierRelationNumber": 4, "supplierRelationName": "CakeSupplies", "supplierArticleNumber": "F51565", "webshop": true, "categoryId": 0, "stockArticle": true, "specialPrice": "PRICE-NORMAL", "showPreparationMethodsDirectly": true, "showPreparationMethodsPerGroup": false, "barcodeList": { "barcode": [ { "barcodeId": 17920, "description": 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and this gives a 200 without syntax error.
It seems an unreplicalbe bug and I can’t put my vinger on it. But I do have a question: why is the API returning a 200 when there is a Syntax error.?
When diff the json arrays I can’t find anything strange https://i.imgur.com/6yBZyCX.png
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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