• Hi, I have a lot of problems with Woocommerce since I updated with the new version. I use the Avada template and I have a shop with variable products. If the variables are more than 30, in the front end when you make a choice, the following message is displayed: “Sorry, no choice available”. How to solve it?

    Until version 2.6.14 everything worked fine, can I go back?

    Thanks a lot

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  • The variations “threshold” is usually 30, though that can vary by theme. If you have less variations than the threshold, all the variations are loaded with the page, and unavailable variations cannot be selected. If you have more variations than the threshold, any combination can be selected, then ajax will be used to find out if the selected variation is available, and sometimes its not.

    You can increase the variations threshold using this snippet in functions.php for your child theme:
    If you don’t have a child theme, you can use the “My Custom Functions” plugin.

    As you make the threshold bigger, the page size gets bigger so page load time will increase. You’ll need to make a judgement.

    If you want to go back, the older code is available but I’ve not seen any advice as to how to wind back the database format. You would need to have a pre-update database backup.

    I am using a storefront child theme, but we offer several T-shirts in 6 sizes and 5-6 colors so I had this issue with my site as well.

    Our fix was to set the default form values for each attribute in the product variation section… Before this was set, it seems that the customer’s variation choices were “blanking” or setting the variation properties to NULL. After setting a default when the customer selects the size and color they wanted (instead of the default) everything works as expected.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter robygiac


    Great, I solved the problem.
    Thank you for all.

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