When we try to Excluding tax this type of format works well but when we select including tax format is not proper to display like a green border-box format I need to green border box format in including tax Ex. Subtotal $20.16 Tax $4.84 Total $25
When we try to Excluding tax this type of format works well but when we select including tax format is not proper to display like a green border-box format
You will want to show taxes in checkout page, this option is available in the WooCommerce tax settings, however, it is not recommended if your prices are inclusive of taxes.
My tax settings for this result are:
Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax
Display prices in the shop, excluding tax
Display prices during cart and checkout, excluding tax
Please be advised, this combination is not recommended: To avoid possible rounding errors, prices should be entered and displayed consistently in all locations either including, or excluding taxes. You might receive this notification: