• Hi there,

    I am currently working on a WordPress Multisite setup with WPML 3.0.1 and ThreeWP Broadcast 2.24. The content language is German with English as additional language.

    So far I couldn’t get the WPML integration to work. The broadcasting works fine but the langauge information is not provided. For example, if I write a post on the parent site in English, my child site thinks it is a German post.

    I enabled the “ThreeWP Broadcast WPML support” Plugin as well (even though it is marked as obsolete) but still no luck. I saw a note on the FAQ page stating:

    2014-05-20 This plugin will be removed in the future. Use the WPML plugin the Premium Pack instead.

    But well, I can’t find this new plugin. Do I get it from the WPML site? Do I get it from your “Three WP Premium Pack”? Well, I am not buying that, because there is no “WPML plugin” mentioned anywhere in the list of plugins that I’ll get for paying 100 Bucks.

    Hope you can point me to the right direction!


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  • Thanks for your help on this Edward but I’ve already given up on WPML. It’s way too complex for my needs. I only have a few languages to worry about so I decided to just add custom meta fields for other languages and call them where appropriate by testing for a language parameter. Much less complicated, way fewer queries per page and works perfectly with Broadcast ??

    Hey Edward,

    We’re looking into using Broadcast and it seems perfect for our needs, but as we have multilingual content we unfortunately must have WPML support.

    So I just did a fresh install and trying your plugin with WPML, it seems to work, except the translation connection is lost. So is this what you’re referring to when you say WPML still needs to be patched?

    Ie. I created a post in English and translated it to Arabic in my “main” blog. I first broadcast the English post and it appeared fine in my “sub” blog. I then broadcast the Arabic translation and again it appeared fine in the “sub” blog. However, the posts in the “sub” blog are not connected – they don’t know they’re each other’s translations.

    So again, is this how it’s supposed to work atm and are we thus dependant on WPML’s updates? If that’s the case it’s probably no use since their support is horrible (you can see my rant here https://wpml.org/forums/topic/relating-to-the-documentation-survey/).


    Oh and one clarification (in reference to the apocalyarts’s original post), the language information is broadcast correctly in my case so English is English and Arabic is Arabic in both blogs – just the translation connection between them seems lost.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    NTD: As I’ve written, WPML needs to be patched as per the above links.

    I have no deep experience with WPML, other than figuring out what needs to be patched to seem to work.

    As an alternative I think I can recommend PolyLang. Not only is the plugin a lot more simple in its design, but the author has very good support. The pack contains a PolyLang compatability plugin.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    NTD: That link of yours at wpml was deleted… I guess their support works well enough to delete criticism, but not much else… :/

    Thanks Edward, I’ll try your patches.

    And the thread is still there, that link is just messed up



    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Have just been contacted by the WPML folks.

    I asked when what became of the patches I sent in.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Sent email to [email protected]

    “Attaching the latest beta version of Broadcast and the pack.

    Installation is as follows:

    Install Broadcast
    Install the Pack
    Enable Broadcast
    Enable the Pack
    Broadcast admin menu > Admin settings > Debug: yes

    Publish a post, broadcasting it to more than one blog.

    And now try the same thing, with the BC WPML plugin enabled:

    Open the Broadcast admin panel menu > Plugin Pack
    Enable the WPML Broadcast plugin
    Publish another post, broadcasting it to more than one blog.

    Here are my suggested patches:


    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    From [email protected]

    “Hope I find you in good shape, I am sorry for the delay but we were very busy with an important release – WPML 3.2 which it’s Beta is suppose to come out tomorrow (finger crossed) and now we can tackle some still open tickets we have.

    I am writing to tell you that the new version have had some major changes, I have looked at your suggested patches – https://plainviewplugins.com/threewp-broadcast-premium-pack/wpml-broadcast-plugin/

    1. Patch number 1 – I agree that this is a problem we still need to resolve when 3rd party plugins call directly wp_insert_post and trigger this action – I am passing this to our core team and I hope it’ll make it to the next release. Another thing you should note here is that this part of the code had been changed and moved to sitepress-multilingual-cms/inc/post-translation/wpml-post-translation.class.php the (with same function name)

    2. Patch number 2 – This has been already implemented – we moved this action before the redirection command so it should work now. – I say it should because I have just tried testing Three WP Broadcast with WPML on a fresh install and I had issues (unrelated to WPML) I might be missing something so I’d like to ask for a step by step instructions for testing.

    I am attaching the latest dev branch from git, as I said tomorrow it’ll be available in wpml.org…just in case we have some delays.”

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    More from Amit.

    “Just a quick update – the empty $_POST arrays (first patch you have there) was just pushed to next stable 3.2 I hope it’ll be resolved then there.

    I’ll keep you updated as soon as it’s in dev branch,”

    Thanks for the updates, we’ll refrain from updating WPML until all this is sorted.

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