• With WP I waste a lot of time triying to make things that should be easy to do and I always finish all puzzled;

    I can’t set a hand made static page as my blog front page so I can show what is new. There are always conflicts with “the more” or with index.php.


    I can’t make a template in my theme folder for register.php, login.php and profile.php so the users can see the same interface all over the web. This is nosense.


    I can’t insert a forum with the same logins, headers, sidebar and whatever needed as the blog. Tried bbpress but it requires hackering that I can’t deal with, plus it has not all the features that a forum should have (phpbb, vBulletin).

    I’m always making questions in the www.remarpro.com forum that are unanswered or keep unsolved. Many times I’m refered to codex entries that I have already read and plugins that I have already tried because I did my search before asking.

    I don’t like wordpress plugin policy; you can’t plugin everything. You can’t develop a theme that is +20plugins dependent. I wish I could incorporate plugins code to my themes.

    And last but not least, after making a lot of modification, upgrading is a pain or almost impossible because you have to remake the whole site.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    No, I mean exactly what I say: no output. It must not directly produce any output of any kind: spaces or otherwise. Everything in it must be in functions or must be adding action hooks or what have you. Plugins are the same way, they must also produce no output. However, plugins generally don’t break your site when they do produce direct output.

    If you don’t know PHP, you probably should not be trying to do this.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    well, the plugin I wanted to use has output so I have to stick to the plugin folder again.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    The plugin has output? Then it would cause problems too. Not the same problems, but it would still cause problems.

    Very few (almost no) plugins produce output on load. They usually only produce output when the plugin is called upon. The functions.php file is the same way.

    Here’s an example:

    function testing() {
    echo "Hello world!";

    That functions.php file produces no output. It defines a function only. If you call the function, then you produce output, but it’s not from the functions.php file, it’s from the calling file.


    Thread Starter ganzua


    Yep, thanks for the explanation. I tried again and I messed the whole installation again. Probably my fault ??

    Regarding the register.php, login.php and profile.php what I mean is to achive the same login you have in this web;


    The login screen is fully integrated in the custom theme.

    Do you know how to call the header, sidebar and footer in wp-login.php?

    and by the way, this would be quite easy if register.php, login.php and profile.php had a template in the themes folder.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    and BTW; in case you want to check, the plugin I tried to add to functions.php is this one->


    perhaps is too complex?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    That site made a Page with a form on it. Also, that form is to register for their forum software, which doesn’t appear to be part of WordPress (unless it’s bbPress.. can’t tell).

    and by the way, this would be quite easy if register.php, login.php and profile.php had a template in the themes folder.

    For technical reasons, that’s extremely difficult to do, and it’s also undesirable. With WordPress, you generally only let people register if they are going to be writing on the blog themselves. There are exceptions, but most blogs do not allow user registrations.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Why would you want to forcibly include a large, major plugin like AK’s popularity contest into the theme, anyway? I can see there being reason to include a reference to it in the theme, in case the user of the theme has it then they get extra features, but taking somebody’s plugin like that and including it in the theme seems like major overkill.

    Anyway, all you really have to do, usually, is to include it from the functions.php file. Copy and paste is not entirely necessary.

    A better way, if you want the theme to be aware of the plugin and act accordingly, is to do something like this:

    if (function_exists('akpc_most_popular_in_cat') {
    } else {
    // do something else

    This way, your theme is aware of that plugin, and it will act correctly when the plugin is active. Deactivating the makes it not reference it anymore, since the function won’t exist anymore.

    This is the usual way to make themes “plugin-aware”. And then people generally only bother to do that when they make the theme available for other people to use.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    “For technical reasons, that’s extremely difficult to do, and it’s also undesirable.”

    -> I have no idea about how difficult it could be, but I think that from the user point of view it is desirable. At least I do desire! Developers cold set a workaround or anything, I don’t know.

    “That site made a Page with a form on it. Also, that form is to register for their forum software, which doesn’t appear to be part of WordPress (unless it’s bbPress.. can’t tell).”

    -> well, we have a point here, thanks fir the idea. Is there anyway I can include a login in wordpress page? I could point all the login links to that page.

    “Why would you want to forcibly include a large, major plugin like AK’s popularity contest into the theme, anyway? “

    -> because my theme it is not only for a simple blog, it is acting as cms and I want even further functionality. I get functionality from plugins. My theme, when finished, will be depending on 10-20 plugins and on the creation of several wordpress pages. It will be not a just one click installation.

    I have another idea for developers; “embedding plugins in themes” ??

    Thread Starter ganzua



    I succesfully included a plugin in functions.php!!!!!!

    Many thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I can’t include every pluggin I want to include but it is a step up.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    would it be possible to create a static page with the login, register and profile forms?

    Thread Starter ganzua


    Is there any place where register.php, login.php and profile.php files are explained. I can’t find them in the codex.

    I tried to insert “get the header”, “get the footer” and sidebar in login.php and it works.

    Then I removed references to admin style sheet so it only reads my custom theme style sheet and it is almost working. I still have to remove things that but I don’t know exactly which tings.

    Any literature on register.php, login.php and profile.php files?

    Thread Starter ganzua


    register.php and login.php solved ??

    “For technical reasons, that’s extremely difficult to do, and it’s also undesirable.”


    After having login.php fully integrated in my custom them (I didn’t upload yet for you to check) I totally disagree.

    It is quite simple and it doesn’t require any serious code change.

    The only problem is the one I stated in my first post in this thread; you have to waste time figuring it out how to do it.

    And I still believe this is a nosense. Think in phpbb, vBulletin, drupal… all of them have full theme integrated login pages/forms.

    Well, just my own personal opinion ?? Now I go for profile.php


    i use wp with bbpress and u know wot ? i dont hv to customise any thing on bbpress for it to look same. (Except for few theme’s u hv to add sidebar to bbpress)

    refer https://bbpress.org/blog/2006/09/simpler-integration-with-wordpress/


    what i see bbpress is a simple forum, yet to hv lot of features of other forums, but it is improving and lot of plugins been developed quickly.

    did you know tht u can customise register page etc.

    but it has to b done on wordpress side n not template side.

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