• With WP I waste a lot of time triying to make things that should be easy to do and I always finish all puzzled;

    I can’t set a hand made static page as my blog front page so I can show what is new. There are always conflicts with “the more” or with index.php.


    I can’t make a template in my theme folder for register.php, login.php and profile.php so the users can see the same interface all over the web. This is nosense.


    I can’t insert a forum with the same logins, headers, sidebar and whatever needed as the blog. Tried bbpress but it requires hackering that I can’t deal with, plus it has not all the features that a forum should have (phpbb, vBulletin).

    I’m always making questions in the www.remarpro.com forum that are unanswered or keep unsolved. Many times I’m refered to codex entries that I have already read and plugins that I have already tried because I did my search before asking.

    I don’t like wordpress plugin policy; you can’t plugin everything. You can’t develop a theme that is +20plugins dependent. I wish I could incorporate plugins code to my themes.

    And last but not least, after making a lot of modification, upgrading is a pain or almost impossible because you have to remake the whole site.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I can’t set a hand made static page as my blog front page so I can show what is new. There are always conflicts with “the more” or with index.php.

    Options->Reading->Front page displays: A static page. You need to create two “Pages”, one for the static page, and one with a normal Loop for your main blog entries page. You may need to make special Page Templates for these. Then you set which Pages are which here. Okay, so it’s not obvious, but it works fine.

    I can’t insert a forum with the same logins, headers, sidebar and whatever needed as the blog. Tried bbpress but it requires hackering that I can’t deal with, plus it has not all the features that a forum should have (phpbb, vBulletin).

    bbPress is the only forum software capable of this, as far as I know. However, your criticism should be directed at the forum softwares, not at WordPress. If they want to integrate, they’re free to do so.

    As far as bbPress’s features go, complain on the bbPress forums. Not here.

    I’m always making questions in the www.remarpro.com forum that are unanswered or keep unsolved. Many times I’m refered to codex entries that I have already read and plugins that I have already tried because I did my search before asking.

    Perhaps your questions are unclear? I have no answer for this except to say that if this sort of thing happens to you often, then maybe you should examine how your questions are worded instead of placing blame on everybody else?

    I wish I could incorporate plugins code to my themes.

    You can. Add them to the theme’s functions.php file. That file is loaded after plugins are, but it can use all the same bits as plugins can. Mostly. Anything you can do with a plugin you can probably do in functions.php. Just make sure that it does not produce any output by default… Should be all hooks and filters and functions and such.

    And last but not least, after making a lot of modification, upgrading is a pain or almost impossible because you have to remake the whole site.

    Generally it’s pretty straightforward, if you don’t modify any core code. There are really very few reasons that you would actually need to modify core code. Every once in a while there’s something, but in that case you should also put in some kind of ticket or patch so that it can be done without the modification.. Like using a filter or something. This is how things like this get added… somebody has a need, puts in a ticket, it gets done or decided not to be done, depending. Without a problem ticket in trac, nothing changes.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    Thanks for your answers Otto42;

    “You can. Add them to the theme’s functions.php file. That file is loaded after plugins are, but it can use all the same bits as plugins can. Mostly. Anything you can do with a plugin you can probably do in functions.php. Just make sure that it does not produce any output by default… Should be all hooks and filters and functions and such.”

    I didn’t know anything about this. Can I copy the plugin code to the theme’s functions.php file and that’s all? Will the plugin work when I call its functions?

    “Options->Reading->Front page displays: A static page. You need to create two “Pages”, one for the static page, and one with a normal Loop for your main blog entries page. You may need to make special Page Templates for these.”

    That’s what I did in my current web but “the more” doesn’t work in wordpress static pages, so by now I have to show the whole last entry when I wanted to show just a few lines. I tried The excerpt but I didn’t achieve wat I wanted.

    By the way, I’ve found that in 2.2 the more is not showing
    more_link_text ok. I thought it was a char set issue but I think it is not becasue I didn’t use any tick or symbol

    <?php the_content(‘more_link_text – > not working’, strip_teaser, ‘more_file’); ?>

    Thread Starter ganzua



    “bbPress is the only forum software capable of this, as far as I know. However, your criticism should be directed at the forum softwares, not at WordPress. If they want to integrate, they’re free to do so.”

    You’re right. I just wanted to suggest to join the both projects or offering a forum feature with wordpress. Why? Because I can’t integrate the logins with anyother forum.

    Just a suggestion ??

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I didn’t know anything about this. Can I copy the plugin code to the theme’s functions.php file and that’s all? Will the plugin work when I call its functions?

    For simpler plugins, yes. For more complicated ones, no. It really depends on the plugin. While any given plugin can always be reworked to be in a theme’s functions.php file, the reworking may not be as simple as copy and paste. This is advanced theme authoring stuff, and if you want to do this, you need to understand PHP and WordPress pretty well.

    That’s what I did in my current web but “the more” doesn’t work in wordpress static pages…

    I still don’t know what “the more” is, but I’d prefer it if you answered my post in your other thread on this topic instead of answering here. Keep the topics separate.

    Thread Starter ganzua



    “Generally it’s pretty straightforward, if you don’t modify any core code. There are really very few reasons that you would actually need to modify core code.”

    Well, I can expose at least one reason; lenguages templates are not working ok and in some cases I have to translate by hand core files.

    Another reason; files that are not referred to the theme; register.php, login.php and profile.php

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    What’s the problem with languages? Lots of people use the language and localization files with no issues.


    You’re making all these claims, but not giving any specific details. If you find a specific problem, post that problem. Just saying “it don’t work” is not helpful or useful, and will likely just get you ignored.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Another reason; files that are not referred to the theme; register.php, login.php and profile.php

    True. Except that login and register are both actually located in wp-login.php. And it’s possible, although not simple, to add functions to the theme’s functions.php file that will add to the login/register forms enough to change the layout a lot, using CSS. Use the login_head and login_form action hooks.

    But most of the admin interface is not directly skinnable or themeable, no.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    “What’s the problem with languages?”

    “Just saying “it don’t work” is not helpful or useful, and will likely just get you ignored.”

    I know those codex entries.

    Well, yesterday I translated 2.2 to another lenguage, file by file because the .mo and.po files for that specific language didn’t translated everything.

    I din’t take note of what was missing, sorry. For instance; date format; the language files translates months and days names but the format can’t be adjusted ok even from the admin control panel options. You have to change every php file where appears the date.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    For instance; date format; the language files translates months and days names but the format can’t be adjusted ok even from the admin control panel options. You have to change every php file where appears the date.

    I don’t understand. This doesn’t require changing core code. The date format is always either in the theme or in the admin options panel. The internal formats used should never be changed, as it relies on those. But those don’t get displayed directly anyway.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    I didn’t take note of everything I changed.

    Another classic one of translation is the “comments off”. I couldn’t translate in 2.2. In previous versions was in

    Line 91
    function comments_popup_link($zero=’No Comments’, $one=’1 Comment’, $more=’% Comments’, $CSSclass=”, $none=’Comments Off’)

    In 2.2 I just coudn’t find. Translation files did not translate that ‘Comments Off’.

    Anyway. Languages are not the point. The point is that when you modify core files, then upgrading can be very difficult.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Another classic one of translation is the “comments off”. I couldn’t translate in 2.2. In previous versions was in

    Line 91
    function comments_popup_link($zero=’No Comments’, $one=’1 Comment’, $more=’% Comments’, $CSSclass=”, $none=’Comments Off’)

    That is a template tag. Somewhere in your template is a call to the comments_popup_link function. By changing that call to have the parameters you want instead of those texts, you can translate these texts in the theme itself, there’s no need to modify core or language files.

    The point is that when you modify core files, then upgrading can be very difficult.

    Exactly why you should avoid modifying core files. There are almost no cases where you *have* to modify core files.

    hmmmm …….

    If you hack away at the core files why would future upgrades be an issue? I mean, why would you want to change (upgrade) a customized website? Other than security issues.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    For simpler plugins, yes. For more complicated ones, no. It really depends on the plugin. While any given plugin can always be reworked to be in a theme’s functions.php file, the reworking may not be as simple as copy and paste. This is advanced theme authoring stuff, and if you want to do this, you need to understand PHP and WordPress pretty well.

    I tried this method and after modifiying functions.php I get an error whenever I try to activate any pluggin. The browser shows; warning I can’t modify headers in functions.php and another similar warning for pluggable.php.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    The browser shows; warning I can’t modify headers in functions.php and another similar warning for pluggable.php.

    Like I said, functions.php must have *NO* output. The first line must be <?php and the last line must be ?> and there must be nothing outside of these. Any kind of whitespace at the beginning or end of functions.php will break your site.

    Thread Starter ganzua


    “Like I said, functions.php must have *NO* output.”

    What do you mean exactly? no spaces?

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