@danny1918 Hi there
I just installed Loco, and tried to localize wishlist in Polish
As you can see from my screenshot, current localization file do not include any translation for “Product name” string
So I set one (g-translted that) and saved this new translation (screen)
Now, if I set PL as locale for my site, and visit wishlist page, translation is correctly applied
As you can see, I was correctly able to translate missing strings, so I suggest you to double check if an update of the transaltion is available for wishlist plugin, and eventually even delete yith-woocommerce-wishlist*.po/.mp files unders wp-content/languages/plugins directory
Another chance could be that your theme overrides wishlist.php or wishlist-view.php templates, and changes default text-domains (even if I don’t think this is the case: there is no reason for that)
You can quickly test if theme is interfering in any way, by temporarely switching to a default Twenty theme
Besides, we’d really love if you could contribute to Translation Project: this way, anyone using the plugin would benefit from additional translations ??