Hi there
I think that your theme does a little stretch trying to position Add to Wishlist button next to Add to Cart, without changing the action where it’s hooked
This means that, even if ATW is actually <b>after</b> the Add to Cart form (including GPay button), your theme tries to position it <b>inside</b> that form
Unfortunately there is no way to fix this without removing the button and hooking it again via custom PHP code
An easy workaround would be to apply the following CSS to Additional CSS section of theme Customizer (WP Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize)
.woocommerce div.product.type-product .cart {
float: none;
div.product .summary .yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist {
margin-top: -112px;
Anyway, I don’t recommend this option, and I suggest contacting theme devs and ask them to remove ATW from current location and hook it to a more suitable position, inside the Add to Cart form