• I want to know if the new version of WordPress 2.3 will allow importing of tags from Simple Tag? I know it has extended this feature to UTW.

    I hope someone can let me know

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  • I also wish to know this, as I have most of my site already tagged with simple tag. Simple tag had a great importer from Jason’s tags (I think that’s what it was called), Hopefully this new tag system will have some importers built in.

    If you have tried WP 2.3-beta1, you will find it in “import” at wp-admin.

    Thread Starter darran


    I have only heard of the import for UTW being in the new version, there hasn’t actually been any implementation for Simple Tagging. Can you confirm this?

    Oh yes.
    The importer is in the SVN, and actually you can download it in the plugin section by searching “Simple Tagging Import”.

    Thread Starter darran


    By any chance will it be included in the core?

    I think what’s most important right now is for us users to minimize the use of php processes. And a less plugin would certainly be the 1st step in doing that.

    Thread Starter darran


    Looks like in WordPress 2.3 Beta 2, there are importers for simple tagging and jerome’s keywords. Do check it out! I shall be installing it on my local installation.

    Thread Starter darran


    It works fine when I imported the Simple Tagging tags, but there should be somewhere to manage it. And how do I create a tag cloud?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Err… somewhere to manage what, exactly?

    As for tag clouds:

    Thread Starter darran


    Manage tags, so we can rename, delete them whatever, just as we did with UTW and Simple Tagging.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Tags are kinda new to the WordPress core. The new tag functionality is therefore rather simple. There is no tag management screen, as such. Tags are simply keywords attached to posts. Perhaps that sort of functionality will be added in the future, or more likely put into a plugin first and then moved into core when it’s found to be useful enough.

    Thread Starter darran


    I suppose the closest to tag management would through the use of the tag cloud.

    When we are writing a new post, we should also have a way to select an already present tag instead of typing it ourselves.

    I hope this can be considered for WordPress 2.3 though because these are the basic functions. I have got my current theme to work with using WordPress 2.3 tags.

    I just loaded up 2.3 beta 3 on my development box and my to my surprise, there is no tag management feature. I was very surprised about this indeed and without a doubt someone will be writing a plugin to allow this. Pity it didn’t make it to the core this first go.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    You guys keep saying tag management without specifying exactly what that means.

    Details. The development team needs details. What, exactly, are you wanting this to include? Rename existing tags? Delete tags? Darran mentions some kind of tag selection feature?

    Unless you explain WTF you’re talking about, I can guarantee you that it will not be added to the core. The developers are not mind readers.

    I use tags extensively, and even I have no idea what you’re talking about. I do know what Darran says about adding tags easily, as UTW has that feature, but I disabled it as I found it to be extremely annoying. But that’s me, and I am not you.

    What do you do with tags? How does your tag workflow process work? Explain it, in excruciating detail. Tell the story. Then the developers have something to read and something to get ideas from. Without those ideas, no changes will ever occur.

    OK, I’ll give a single example of the sort of thing I would like in a “tag management” page.

    To be able to rename a tag and have that tag replaced in all the posts in which it appears.

    – For example, I might have used a tag “howto” and a tag “help” at different times and later decide that they mean exactly the same thing.
    – I decide that “howto” is much more l33t than “help”, so I decide to rename all instances of “help” to “howto”.
    – Now all my howto-help posts have the same tag.

    I do this occasionally on del.icio.us, but I can see that this would be more important on my own site as I want a tag cloud (or whatever) that is more consistent for other people to find their way around.

    Similar requirements:

    1. Easy selection of existing tags from the post form. A drop down list (as available in UTW) would be one way, or a block on the side, where categories live now.
    2. Add tags on the fly (the current interface in 2.3b3 allows this, so that’s OK
    3. Ability to delete, rename and merge tags

    That’s about it. This may well be plugin territory, as different people will want different things from tags. I’m hoping Christine will create a new UTW that provides an interface similar to the current plugin…

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