Hey Jernatety1,
I actually made a HUGE amount of progress yesterday on this. What i’ve done is grant the user the ability to query a specific YouTube channel.
Once the query is complete the user is presented with the latest 25 videos from that channel, along with the video title, description, duration, likes/dislikes and other meta data.
The user can select a checkbox next to each video they want to import. They can also change the video title, or video description, select the category the video should be placed under, add tags to the post, and sets the featured image based off of the video thumbnail.
After selecting what videos they want to import, and adding their title/description/category/and tags they can select ‘Create Posts’. Each selected video will then be created into its own new post on your site, with the appropriate featured image, title and description and placed in the selected category.
Changing the video title and description is optional, if you don’t change it the post title and post content will be set to the video title and video description.
This allows a user to populate their site with YouTube content in a matter of minutes. No more copying and pasting titles/descriptions or embed codes to create new posts.
I just haven’t decided if I want to accept donations for the plugin, or release it to the repo for free. I’ve put a lot of time into this feature. I should have a demonstration video to show off in the next day or so.
Final question, does that theme use a custom post type to assign the post too, or is it just a standard post? Currently, I haven’t built in CPT support, but something that I have been considering as its somewhat important on larger customized sites.