Sorry, but you need to pay closer attention.
Of course shortcodes are working on pages… this already has been proven to work on standard posts and pages:
So an update it looks perfectly well on a post page
The issue is NOT with pages or posts, or custom posts types. it is with the custom content areas (metaboxes) added to the custom post type: boats.
Again: The issue is only with the custom content areas, such as the price section metabox that the preimum theme adds to the boats custom post type. These additional content areas are NOT processing shortcodes. Not just our shortcode… ANY shortcode.
Did you include a link to this thread when you reached out to the theme developers?
Here is our response item by item:
1.) In your WordPress dashboard go to “Pages” and click on any page to edit it (for example the “About Us” page)
The issue is not with pages, it’s with the custom content areas (meta-boxes) added to the cpt: boats
2.) Switch the page builder to “Classic Mode” (big blue button at the top of the page)
Again, not an issue with pages, issue with the custom metabox added to the cpt boats
3.) Then click on the “Text” view tab and you’ll see all the shortcodes which every page is built using
Already discussed at the very top of this thread. Not the issue.
So the problem is that particular shortcode does not work, either because you’re using it incorrectly, or because of a bug with the plugin.
Incorrect. Either the support was not provided the correct details of the issue, or is not taking the issue seriously.
I’d recommend getting in touch with the plugin developer again and tell them that the shortcode doesn’t work with the default WordPress “TwentySeventeen” theme
Incorrect. I’d recommend getting back in touch with your theme developer and sharing a link to this thread.
We look forward to the resolution of this issue.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by