• I want to set up a site with some content available to anyone, and the rest, the bulk of it, available only to registered (not necessarily paid) members. The catch is that members cannot be from a certain set of zipcodes, because my site will be selling information and products that would unduly help my real-world competition.

    Software or plug-ins for this seem to be difficult to find, or very complicated in the set-up. I can ftp, follow directions to modify an .htaccess file, and follow directions to modify php, but not much else.

    Wishlist comes close, but doesn’t allow custom fields, and I need that zipcode field. Register Plus uses the custom fields, but how would I use the zip info? I have been going in circles all day, and would surely love some help untangling this. It can’t be that difficult, can it?

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  • I’m not officially with either one but would just add my $0.02 after purchasing Wishlist – it allows for basically NO customization and is extremely frustrating that way. I would not look to it to be able to do what you need. I’m using it but begrudgingly because it won’t allow for me to add/change any of the registration fields, profile fields, not even small word changes on the login widget! It has places you can “Customize” but if it’s not the standard, then you’re out of luck and you are locked out of the code to make any changes at that level.

    You need some sort of “verification” for approval for a registration – I’ll be on the lookout too because I’m still searching for a better option for what I need. If I find anything, I’ll post it back here.

    Good luck!

    I can’t recommend WishList. I have it. It installed easily – but the whole point of WishList is being able to charge members and have them register. For 2 months I struggled with WishList asking for support – and their response was only to send me all the information I had already tried based on the videos and .pdf books they had. Nothing was working and they weren’t stepping in to assist me with real help. So I hired a tech guy – and he saw the problem. Finally WishList provided the code, but after 2 months of struggling and literally begging them to help me, and spending $360 for a tech guy to figure it out, I CANNOT RECOMMEND WISHLIST! Their support was abysmal and basically none existent and the fact that I could not sell my product or get my product up for over 2 months costs me thousands of dollars of revenue. (My package goes for $1,497). Next time I buy something that has better support.

    Dr Divina,
    I you could possibly tell me what you discovered, that would be a massive help to me. I am having a REAL problem getting my integration on WLM to work, and all the fixes the techs their gave me (including some changes to the code in the php.ini file) have not yet worked. Every time a payment goes through PayPal, the payment is processed, but the registration redirect comes up with a dreaded 404 error page. Putting this code in the php.ini file didn’t work:

    cgi.force_redirect = 0
    cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

    I am using a shared server, but I really don’t want to switch to a virtual dedicated server if that’s not the problem. Can you please share what you found? You might just be able to put an end to a month’s worth of angst I’ve been having.

    Thanks so much.



    Just bought Wishist member and discovering that registration customization is much more difficult than anticipated. I’m within my the 30 day money back period, but really need to get this done for a client. Tried wp-member, not happy there at all. WLM does provide importing/exporting users ( a big deal for this site) but we really need to collect custom info at registration and ideally export that data.
    As mentioned above, Register Plus is one piece, but not having much luck pulling the two together. Did anyone find a way to accomplish this?

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