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  • yea thats what we wanna know cause we got an email about it this morning

    Hoping someone will chime in and help on this issue.

    I just installed this plugin and it looks fantastic and I can use the Amazon part ok. But I need help with the itunes wrapper as the tutorials focus on how to make it with linkshare. I’m using
    to make my links and can continue to do this manually if this change has made the plugin function fail.

    what would be good to know however is whether the plugin author has no time to update it and it really isn’t working now…

    or if the plugin works fine still – if so could someone give a simple example of what to place in the itunes link wrapper under settings…

    anyones help would be appreciated
    thanks – Julie

    Plugin Author Brady Vercher


    Hi Julie,

    The iTunes affiliate part is outdated and won’t work since they changed their affiliate program awhile back. Otherwise, I think the rest of the functionality should still be in working order, but I don’t have a need for the plugin anymore, so I haven’t used it in awhile.

    Hope that helps.


    Hi Brady – thanks for replying. I’m having trouble using the amazon function as well, so it may be a plugin I’ll uninstall for now. Its a shame all that hard work is wasted, it looks good, but I know plugin support is very time consuming.

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