I have the same problem. I began to look for plugins “which-do-wiki” but they are not satisfying, at least, for the use I wish.
So, the solution would be an integration with an existing wiki, like mediawiki, for example.
A plugin which would do the bound between WordPress and mediawiki, with the same users and passwords, and ideally, with the same level of access.
Example : only the authors would be able to log in the wiki. ??
After a quick search, I found Ur topic and these links :
-With the last person who had exactly the same problem as me, I suppose there is other links with teh same problematic in the forum)
But this topic is the only one where there is some suggestions. Thank U Samboll, I ‘m going to see what they say about it.
– Other search on google make me think thats not so easy. This discussion for example, but it’s a little old.
– Anyway, I think the integration of a wiki like media wiki with wordpress shoud be a frequent question for a lot of users. ??
– If I find a solution, i will post it here.
– If anyone has solved the problem, please, tell me and tell us. ??