• Resolved zerojjc


    Hello, thank you for this wonderful plugin. I have used it on several websites now. I just currently had to update the connection to Instagram and created a new shortcode, etc. The issue is that now the 5 columns are just slightly off and causing the last item to wrap/drop down a to a new line.

    This used to happen before, however I had fixed it with adding this to my CSS:
    .slicker-instagram-placeholder {
    width: 19.8% !important;

    But now I see that this is no longer working to override because of the inline style. I also can’t figure out why the inline style alone wouldn’t be working as it appears it should and i don’t see anything added (margin/padding) that would push that down.

    If you could take a look when you have a moment that would be great. I have the feed pulling up at the bottom in the footer.

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by zerojjc.
    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by zerojjc.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support slickchris


    Hi @zerojjc,

    Thanks for contacting us. I would be glad to help out, can you please include these 2 things?

    1. The shortcode you are trying to use (however, make sure to not include access token).
    2. The report from the System Info page of our plugin.

    This can help us to zero in on your issue

    Thread Starter zerojjc


    1. [fts_instagram instagram_id= access_token= pics_count=5 type=basic width=100% super_gallery=yes columns=5 force_columns=no space_between_photos=0 icon_size=65px hide_date_likes_comments=yes]

    2. ### Begin System Info ###
    SITE_URL: https://b3cfuel.com
    Feed Them Social Version: 2.9.0

    — WordPress Configuration:
    WordPress Version: 5.5.3
    Multisite: No
    Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    Active Theme: B3C Fuel Solutions by Three Ring Focus 9.9.9
    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled

    — Webserver Configuration:
    PHP Version: 7.3.24
    Web Server Info: apache

    — PHP Configuration:
    Upload Max Size: 128M
    Post Max Size: 8M
    Upload Max Filesize: 128M
    Time Limit: 30
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    Allow URL File Open: On (0)
    Display Erros: N/A

    — PHP Extensions:
    json: Your server supports json.
    FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL: Your server supports cURL.
    curl_multi: Your server supports curl_multi_select.

    — FTS Settings->Global Options:
    Cache time: 1 Day (Default)

    — Active Plugins:
    Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce: 5.8.3
    Advanced Custom Fields PRO: 5.9.3
    AdWords Conversion Tracking Code: 1.0
    Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.7
    Breadcrumb NavXT: 6.6.0
    Bulk Page Creator: 1.1.1
    Classic Editor: 1.6
    Collapse-O-Matic: 1.7.13
    Feed Them Social – for Twitter feed, Youtube, Pinterest and more: 2.9.0
    GDPR Cookie Consent: 1.9.4
    Gravity Forms: 2.4.21
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: 9.1
    Lightweight Grid Columns: 1.0
    New RoyalSlider: 3.4.1
    Official Facebook Pixel: 2.2.1
    Query Monitor: 3.6.5
    Redirection: 4.9.2
    Testimonial Rotator: 3.0.3
    USPS Simple Shipping for Woocommerce:
    WooCommerce: 4.7.0
    WooCommerce Admin: 1.7.2
    WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery: 1.2.8
    WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway: 2.1.0
    WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes & Shipping Labels: 2.7.2
    WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: 1.25.2
    WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: 4.5.5
    WooCommerce UPS Shipping Plugin with Print Label: 4.0.4
    Wordfence Security: 7.4.12
    WordPress Importer: 0.7
    WP-Paginate: 2.1.2
    WP Mail SMTP: 2.5.1
    WPS Hide Login: 1.5.7
    WPS Limit Login: 1.4.9
    WP Super Cache: 1.7.1
    Yoast SEO: 15.3

    — Custom Token or Keys added to Options Pages
    — You must have a custom token to use the feeds

    Facebook App Token: No
    Twitter Consumer Key: No
    Twitter Secret: No
    Twitter Token: No
    Twitter Token Secret: No
    Pinterest Token: No
    Instagram Basic Token: Yes
    Instagram Business Token: Yes
    YouTube: No

    — FaceBook & Twitter Date Format and Timezone

    Date Format: one-day-ago
    Timezone: No

    — Hide Facebook Images in Posts:

    Hide: No

    — Hide Facebook Error Handler:

    Hide: No

    — Fix Twitter Time:

    Fix: No

    — Disable Magnific CSS:

    Fix: No

    — Fix Internal Server Error:

    Fix: No
    ### End System Info ###

    Plugin Author slickremix


    Thanks for the info. Try removing your custom CSS and change the option in the shortcode force_columns=no to force_columns=yes

    Make sure and empty the cache from our plugin after making the shortcode change.

    Let me know how it goes.


    Thread Starter zerojjc


    Hey Spencer,

    It still looks the same: https://b3cfuel.com/

    Plugin Author slickremix


    Instead of space_between_photos=0 try space_between_photos=-1px

    Plugin Author slickremix


    Try this instead to start.


    Thread Starter zerojjc


    It’s still off. Here is where its at:

    Thread Starter zerojjc


    I created a test page and added the shortcode just to make sure it wasn’t the footer/css down there. And it is also easier to view. Here is that page: https://b3cfuel.com/test/

    Plugin Author slickremix


    Oh you know what put it back to 0 how you had it and then add this custom CSS wherever you add custom CSS or on the Settings > GLobal Options tab of our plugins menu.

    .fts-instagram-wrapper {margin:-1px !important;}

    Thread Starter zerojjc


    That worked! Thank you for your time and assistance on this.

    Plugin Author slickremix


    Great, you might try -.7px insead of -1px… I found while testing that in the browser it got rid of all spaces.

    If you have a second and wouldn’t mind leaving a review for us, we would be very grateful.

    Or if you have a Facebook account and want to leave a review for us there, that would be awesome too.

    Thanks for using our plugin

    Thread Starter zerojjc


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