Could you explain how I can edit the CSS?
It looks like you have Jetpack installed, so you can use the Custom CSS option of JetPack to enter your CSS. Go to Jetpack → Settings and activate Custom CSS. You will then have a menu item under Appearance called Edit CSS. That’s where you will enter your CSS.
As I mentioned previously, each type of page will have a particular “class” name, and each widget has a unique ID, so you can combine the two to hide or display widgets. The front page will always have a class assigned to it called home. To find out what the unique ID is for each of your widgets, you can either use a web debugging tool like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools, or you can do a view source on one of your pages and look for the string <aside. For example, the About widget has an ID of sugarspice_about_widget-3.
So, the way I would make the About widget appear on just the front page is to add these two rules to your custom CSS (go to Appearance → Edit CSS and copy & paste this at the very end):
#sugarspice_about_widget-3 {
display: none;
.home #sugarspice_about_widget-3 {
display: block;
IDs have a hashtag (or pound sign #) placed before their name, while classes have a period (.) placed before their name.
The first rule hides the About widget by default. The second rule then displays the widget on the home page.
Let’s say you want the Top Posts to appear on all of your pages except for the home page. Then you just need to add one rule:
.home #top-posts-2 {
display: none;
This rule would hide the Top Posts widget on just the home page, it would continue to be displayed on all other pages.