• “Widgets” should appear under “Appearance” on the left side options of the wp-admin.

    > Themes
    > Widgets

    “Widgets” is missing. I haven’t done any updates recently except upload 2 dozen themes. I have deleted all those themes, thinking they caused the problem, but this did not fix the problem.

    You can see it for yourself:

    username: *obfuscated*
    password: *obfuscated*

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  • Thread Starter terjefevaag


    in my super admin options, i checked

    “Allow site administrators to add new users to their site via the “Users->Add New” page.”

    now, totoymola can add new users, so he’s definitely an admin for his blog. but still “he” is unable to see “Widgets” under “Appearance”. the only item “he” sees there is “Themes”. i hope you’re not confused anymore as to what the problem is all about.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The ID you gave me to log in with was not an ID that had admin access. IIRC, only Super Admins (and BLOG admins, not the same thing) can see and change widgets. Security yanno ??

    Just because the users screen SAYS an ID is an admin does not change the fact that, when logged in, you DO NOT get admin access. Right? We’re agreeing that totoymola is listed as an Administrator of religioner.no

    totoymola.religioner.no, however, is a separate site.

    As ADMIN, go to Super Admin -> Sites and click on ‘Edit’ for totoymola the BLOG.

    Under the Site Users menu on the right, check what the permissions are for totoymola.

    Thread Starter terjefevaag


    Super Admin > Sites

    Edit Site – https://totoymola.religioner.no

    Site Users
    User Role
    totoymola Administrator

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Can you change the role?

    There’s a known weird bug where sometimes you can’t change roles, and I wonder if you’ve hit it.

    The other thing would be to add a second ID as administrator as well and see if THAT id has access as it should.

    If the user is an administrator of their own sub-blog, then YES they definitely should see the widgets menu.

    And TwentyTen should let them.

    Try disabling all your plugins to see if that clears it up.


    I wrote about the same problem in other topic, Andrea_r give me a solution but don’t work, only show theme settings and the option for add widget not appear.

    terjefevaag have reason, only Super Admin can add widget, but not the administrator (than in past versions could without any problem).

    Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad english.

    Thread Starter terjefevaag


    i created another user “totoybato” and assigned it as administrator of BLOG “totoymola”. still can’t see “Widgets” under “Appearance” using TwentyTen. disabling all plugins did not fix the problem.

    I’ve tested on my own – an admin of another site can see what they need to.

    Thread Starter terjefevaag


    seems like not everyone is experiencing this problem. i’m really lost as to what is the cause of it.

    Did you try disabling all your plugins?

    I discovered something. If you create a new blog and assign to any user as an administrator, they will see the options for widgets and themes.

    It seems to be a new option, this option is needed in blogs created before the upgrade.

    I compared the wp_option tables old and new, and I found no difference.

    Any developer who has an idea or solution?


    Well, by default when a user gets their own blog, they become an administrator of that blog. You failed to mention you changed this.

    Andrea_r we mention this in the topic, it’s with the administrator role (not Super Admin) that can’t add widgets in blogs created before upgrade.

    And now I say that in new blogs (after upgrade) any administrator user can add widgets (it’s normal), that’s why I think it’s missing an option in old blogs.

    Thank for your help. ??

    I apologize for my bad English.

    Interestingly, we just came across the exact same problem today

    I’ve posted something in the WPTavern forum (andrea, you’ve replied – apologies, this is yet another account name!)

    We upgraded from WPMU 2.8.6 to 2.9.2 to 3.0

    Hey Sam, at least it’s close to your other usernames. ??

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