• I am using the “Prime press” theme on WordPress 2.6.2. While trying to modify/remove some widgets on the site, I encountered the following issue:

    – The initial widgets appear on the blog (calendar, pages, categories, etc.)

    – However in the widgets SubPanel, when I select “show used widgets”, it returns none for either Sidebar 1 or 2.

    – When I add a widget to either Sidebar 1 or 2, it appears on the the blog, but IN ADDITION to the existing one. Hence I end up having TWO INSTANCES of the calendar widget for example.

    – I cannot remove the calendar at all from the backend.

    How can I fix this?

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  • A lot of themes come with placeholder widgets in the sidebar. As you see, they don’t show up as being used in the Widgets panel, but are replaced when you drag any new widget to the sidebar. If you are dragging a new widget to Sidebar 1, it will only replace the placeholder widgets in Sidebar 1. You’ll also have to drag a new widget to Sidebar 2 to replace the placeholder widgets in Sidebar 2.

    If you’re say that dragging a calendar to Sidebar 1 doesn’t replace a placeholder calendar widget in Sidebar 1, then that’s a flaw in the theme code.

    A lot of themes come with placeholder widgets in the sidebar.

    I have to disagree with that.

    Normally sidebars come with the good old-fashioned way: having the code for displaying whatever is usually in a sidebar: Cats, Pages, Links, archives, meta etc.
    They are NOT widgets. Period. Not even “pplaceholder widgets”. Just code.
    If all of the above are inside of the

    if dymanic sidebar

    portion… then they will disappear as soon as you activate even one single widget. On the other hand, whatever is NOT inside the dynamic function – will be always shown.

    Ah, okay, my mistake. They behaved like widgets so I assumed they were. My bad.

    Thread Starter avantige



    You are right. As soon as I added widgets to BOTH sidebars, they became configurable. It seemed very confusing at first.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    I have a theme on my blog that came with widgets and i cannot modify the meta widget. It has now these functions:
    Site Admin
    Entries RSS
    Comments RSS
    and i would like to have only the fisrt 2. What do i do ? please help me. Thanks

    The best way to do this is to remove the Meta widget, and then use a Text widget that contains the links you want. (edit) If you aren’t registering commenters, (/edit) you don’t really -need- the Login/Logout link, so all you really need is the Site Admin, which always goes to https://yoursite/wp-admin/ anyway.

    (edit) Huh, I put the web address above in backticks but it’s still creating a link. Don’t click on it, it goes to a dead end.

    Ah heck, I just did this very thing at my site, so I hope the Mods won’t mind if I show a link:


    Scroll all the way to the bottom and hover over the “For Manglement Use Only” link and notice the address in your browser activity bar. (/edit)

    Thank you very much

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