• tasperth


    I just got thru updating my WordPress blog, mostly because I moved it from one virtual private server to another one, and after losing some bits and pieces of the original blog during the move, I decided to redo it over with a new theme. I found a theme I absolutely love, one of the free ones from SiteGround.com… I did the install, got everything working nicely, and proceeded to start tweaking it a bit.. I’ve added a couple of widgets, one I especially need, for my icecast station.. Here’s the weird part, all widgets load up just fine, they show up in the Appearance/Widgets/Available Widgets, and they move over to the right hand side when you enable them, but after saving, and going back to the blog, they do not appear.. Plus, the main page righthand column, where the widgets would go, already has the Pages/Archives/Catagories/Blogroll/Meta entries that are also listed as widgets in Appearance/Widgets/Available Widgets. Thinking I’d latched onto a theme that’s not widget-aware, I checked the theme’s functions.php, and it has the

    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebar’) )
    That leads me to believe it is widget-aware… Is there some middle-ground on being widget-aware that this theme may not be doing??

    Thanks in advance

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  • I don’t think it’s only the theme, as I have the same problem with widgets not appearing whenever I logout of administrator, and I am using the default theme.



    Did you guys have any luck resolving this? I’m having the EXACT same issue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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