• Hi Everyone

    Through one of the topics on this forum I found a link to https://simplymilkco.com/ – which is a lovely clean and bright site. Rachel is the site owner. I liked the ‘extra’ items in the front page templates which are for widgets – great way of extending the front page. However, all three of Rachel’s widgets are not available on Edin.org widget selection (apart from Archives which has a different format – ours is dropdown whereas on https://simplymilkco.com/ as you can see they are clickable and it looks far more professional.

    I wrote to Rachel and asked her how she’d managed to do those widget areas – by coding etc etc, but she wrote back and said that they were straight from her own widget area. Rachel explained that she is on Edin.com and not Edin.org. Why therefore do we not have the same widget choice eg Instagram Roll, Top Posts and Pages and possibly others we don’t even know about? Surely the themes should be the same in that respect!.

    In addition, obviously the social icon buttons – please see Rachel’s menu and bottom right widget area – come with the .com version – why not with ours?

    Are there any plans to get theses two items and others I don’t know about included in a new Edin.org update and soon please?

    bibblehead (Rob)

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I think you mean WordPress.COM and not edin.com or edin.org.

    In addition, obviously the social icon buttons – please see Rachel’s menu and bottom right widget area – come with the .com version – why not with ours?

    What’s different? Have you installed the Jetpack plugin?


    The social icons should not be part of the theme, that’s a plugin add-on.

    Thread Starter bibblehead


    Hi Jan

    Thanks for quick reply.

    I was only using edin.org and edin .com for speed and so sorry for any sloppiness!

    I have already raised a topic ref Jetpack yesterday – ‘Logo and Jetpacck’. It won’t install – please see that for how I’ve tried to get round it eg deactivating all other plugins etc etc. I wondered if anyone else had similar problems on this theme as I know that Jetpack is not always straightforward to load. I know the social icons are not part of the theme. Obviously the social icons appear on Edin on WordPress.com as Jetpack has been part of the development. So to answer your question that’s what different.

    However, do you have any info on the widget question which to me is far more important – why the different choice on WordPress.com and www.remarpro.com? -. done in full to avoid sloppiness!

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    *Downloads WordPress.COM version*


    *Downloads www.remarpro.com version*


    *Does a diff on both directories*

    $ diff edin/ edin-wpcom/
    Common subdirectories: edin/eventbrite and edin-wpcom/eventbrite
    Common subdirectories: edin/font and edin-wpcom/font
    diff edin/functions.php edin-wpcom/functions.php
    > // updater for WordPress.com themes
    > if ( is_admin() )
    > 	include dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/inc/updater.php';
    Common subdirectories: edin/inc and edin-wpcom/inc
    Common subdirectories: edin/js and edin-wpcom/js
    Common subdirectories: edin/languages and edin-wpcom/languages
    Common subdirectories: edin/page-templates and edin-wpcom/page-templates
    diff edin/readme.txt edin-wpcom/readme.txt
    < = 1.2.1 - May 5 2015 =
    < * Remove comment form from Testimonials
    < = 1.2 - May 4 2015 =
    > = 1.2 - May 5 2015 =
    diff edin/single.php edin-wpcom/single.php
    < 						if ( ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() ) && 'jetpack-testimonial' != get_post_type() ) :
    > 						if ( ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() ) && ! 'jetpack-testimonial' === get_post_type() ) :
    diff edin/style.css edin-wpcom/style.css
    > Description: Edin is a modern responsive business and corporate theme that helps you to create a strong--yet beautiful--online presence for your business.
    > Version: 1.2
    < Description: Edin is a modern responsive business and corporate theme that helps you to create a strong--yet beautiful--online presence for your business.
    < Version: 1.2.1
    < License: GNU General Public License
    < License URI: license.txt
    > License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
    > License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
    < Domain Path: /languages/
    < Tags: blue, gray, white, light, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready
    < This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.
    < Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others.
    < Edin is based on Underscores https://underscores.me/, (C) 2012-2015 Automattic, Inc.
    < Resetting and rebuilding styles have been helped along thanks to the fine work of
    < Eric Meyer https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/index.html
    < along with Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal https://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/
    < and Blueprint https://www.blueprintcss.org/

    Not that different.

    However, do you have any info on the widget question which to me is far more important – why the different choice on WordPress.com and www.remarpro.com? -. done in full to avoid sloppiness!

    That’s not part of the theme. On WordPress.COM what is the widget called?

    Thread Starter bibblehead


    Hi Jan

    Thanks for reply. I did come back to you within a couple of minutes but it is not appearing, so I’ll reproduce it in essence – didn’t keep a copy on notepad as usual. Apologies if in the meantime the first one comes through.

    I used edin.co edin.org for speed so please excuse any sloppiness!

    I’m fully aware that the social icons are on WordPress .com theme because of the Jetpack integration – hope that’s not the wrong terminology! – and that Jetpack is needed for Edin on WP.org. I posted topic yesterday about ‘logo and Jetpack’ as it will not load for me as explained in topic; I just wondered if others had experienced similar probs as I know sometimes Jetpack can be difficult to load up.

    Are there any other bits and bobs which Jetpack comes with to enhance the Edin theme on WP.org? If there are a number I may have to keep trying until I can get it to install. If I cannot get it to load I’ll have to use logo and social icon plugins – but don’t really want to if I can avoid it.

    However, the widget query is far more important to me. Do you have any info on why the difference choices available, as I pointed out between Edin WP.com and WP.org and if there is likely to be an update to include widgets on WP.org which are far more up to date eg Instagram Roll rather than the bland list on the WP.org theme at the moment. I have to say it surprises me as I really like the Edin theme – clean, sleek, professional looking and pretty good on customisation but something as obvious as widget choice difference between the two themes is baffling.


    Thread Starter bibblehead


    My second reply obviously crossed but thanks for info. I’ll try it.

    On Rachel’s https://simplymilkco.com/ please see bottom of her Home page – she has used two that are not on my WP.org Edin theme – ‘Instagram Roll’ and ‘Top Posts & Pages’. The Archive widget also has a different format – clickable links rather than dropdown menu. The WP.com Archive one to me is far more professional looking. There may be others available that I am not aware of. As you can imagine I am a little loathe to write and ask her for the full list.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Are there any other bits and bobs which Jetpack comes with to enhance the Edin theme on WP.org? If there are a number I may have to keep trying until I can get it to install. If I cannot get it to load I’ll have to use logo and social icon plugins – but don’t really want to if I can avoid it.

    As you can imagine I am a little loathe to write and ask her for the full list.

    Right, I get that. ??

    What I’m trying to explain is that you are posting in the theme support page about functionality that is outside of the theme. If your using that site as a reference then that’s fine but don’t attribute those additional plugins to this theme.

    If there was a specific widget you wanted then I could point you in the direction of a plugin. For example, that page has an Instagram widget. The HTML source for that widget contains this CSS class widget_wpcom_instagram_widget and judging by the wpcom part I’d say it’s either Jetpack or another plugin.

    That is not part of the theme but you can easily find that in a plugin via this search.


    You can reproduce the same effect using a plugin. *Looks on test install* I’ve just checked and it’s not Jetpack.

    Thread Starter bibblehead


    Hi Jan
    Thanks for further help.

    From a lot of research I think the Jetpack problem may well be because of wamp local server. A lot of people seem to have probs with it. There is a development mode which requires amendment to the wp-config file which I’ve done, but to no avail on trying to install Jetpack again.

    I’ll also fully research getting the widgets to function in the theme.

    So – I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into trying to solve the issues – thanks very much.

    I’m just going to keep going until I get it cracked.

    Kind regards

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Hi Rob – I replied in your other thread with a workaround for installing Jetpack – feel free to reply there if you have any problems installing it.

    Jetpack brings some of the best features of WordPress.com to self-hosted sites. Many of those featured leverage the power of the WordPress.com servers, and aren’t things you’d want to run on your own hosting, like Related Posts, for example, which take up a lot of server power. By putting features like Site Logo into the plugin, you can also switch to another theme that supports the Jetpack logo, without the logo disappearing from your site.

    Once you get Jetpack installed, I’d suggest activating the Extra Sidebar Widgets module, which will give you access to some of the widgets available on WordPress.com:


    If you can’t find the feature you need in Jetpack, you may need to install a separate plugin that does what you’re looking for.

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