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  • Same here, widget title links to the current page. Any hint how to solve it?

    thanks, great plugin :)(

    Plugin Author kaser


    So sorry for the late response! I’ll look into this and see if I can fix it for you!

    Plugin Author kaser


    If you want a quick fix, on line 171 it looks like

    if ( $instance['category'] != "none" ) {
    				$category = '&cat='.$instance['category'];
    			} else {

    if you ad in the $category_id = $instance[‘category’]; line, to make it look like

    if ( $instance['category'] != "none" ) {
    				$category_id = $instance['category'];
    				$category = '&cat='.$instance['category'];
    			} else {

    and then on line 203

    echo $before_title . '<a href="' . get_category_link($category) . '">'.$title.'</a>'.$after_title;

    Changing $category to $category_id

    echo $before_title . '<a href="' . get_category_link($category_id) . '">'.$title.'</a>'.$after_title;

    Then save it and upload it and you’ll be all set. This fix will be included into the next version which should be coming out beginning of december ??




    Great thanks this solution works

    Looking forward for the update!

    When do you plan to release the update?
    thank for you work!

    Plugin Author kaser


    I want to get my new home page launched before I release it and it’s just taking a little longer than expected. Shouldn’t be more than a couple weeks now, is there something I could help you with more immediately? You can email me at kaser [at] with any questions you might have.

    Thanks for this great plugin — I had same problem with category title link not working and your fix worked. Any way to get the link working if the widget is displaying a custom post type? (It does the same thing — just links to whatever page it’s already on.)

    Thanks again.

    This fix doesn’t seem to be working for me?!?
    I’m running 3.5.1 if that helps.

    Any ideas?

    Plugin Author kaser


    this has been fixed in the new 1.8 release. Please let me know if any of you have any more problems.


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