Hi Haydn,
I just wanted to give you an update, as it is taking me longer than expected to find a solution to this. I am still working on finding an alternative way to fix the problem, which the current CSS I need to change was added to fix. As this is live on so many sites I need to do my best to ensure I am not doing more damage than good to live sites.
As I need a little longer I checked your site quickly and can see why the CSS you added into your theme.css file is not working. It is inside of a media query, so it only works if the page width is less than 479 pixels wide.
Currently the end of your theme.css file looks like this:
float: none;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
html body .kebo_twitter_feed_widget ul.kebo-tweets {
width: auto;
To get it working the end of the file needs to look like this:
float: none;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
html body .kebo_twitter_feed_widget ul.kebo-tweets {
width: auto;
That should get it looking right on your site and I will update the plugin as soon as I am confident that my changes will not damage other websites.