• Resolved bella.sovmiz


    My Google Analytics Widget is suddenly not loading and gives the following error message:

    You need to log in and select an account in the $1options panel$2.

    However, when I try to access the options panel from my WP Dashboard, it asks me to Log in using Google’s OAuth system. When I try to do that, I am informed that this is outdated and I need to contact the developer of the software using this method.

    Please advise.


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  • Unfortunately no, I am using the Google Analytics Dasboard by Team Yoast version 2.1.1

    Looks like you’ve answered your own question ??

    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP, version 4.7.3 not working for me. I tested it in 3 sites and I saw the same error: “Something went wrong, check Errors & Debug or authorize the plugin.”
    I reauthorize the plugin many times but the problem exits.
    I deactivate all plugins, set default wp theme, delete GADWP and re-install it, but not solved!
    In General Settings of GADWP, in Select View, it shows property not found.
    All the setting is like before and this problem appear suddenly! How can I fix it?

    What’s the last error in the Errors & Debug screen? Have you read the tutorial and configured at least one Google Analytics property as the tutorial indicates?

    Last Error: None
    Error Details: None
    Yes, I now completely and I use this plugin for several month and I didn’t have any problem with it. Now, my 3 websites that use this plugin have the same problem and not working.

    Also a common mistake I’ve seen a lot is users authorizing the plugin with the wrong Google account. In case you have multiple Google accounts, logout before authorizing and make sure you’re using the one containing the required Google Analytics properties.

    I have just one google account and I use that for Google Analytics.

    Why in General Settings, after authorize, in “Select View” shows: “Property not found”

    Check your PHP error log or enable Debugging mode in WordPress and post any related errors.

    Also make sure you haven’t cleared your errors manually before checking the Errors & Debug.

    Are you hosting those three websites on the same server or on the same hosting provider?

    Oh my God!

    Last Error: 2015-05-22 14:35:48: (403) Error calling GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accounts/~all/webproperties/~all/profiles?start-index=1&key=AIzaSyBG7LlUoHc29ZeC_dsShVaBEX15SfRl_WY: (403) This service is not available from your country

    Yes, they are on the same server!
    Now, I understand what the problem is! I think there is not any way to solved it, Right?

    Check you Google Analytics account (https://www.google.com/analytics) and see if there are any properties there. For further questions open your own thread by posting a new question.

    Apologies to all others for being rude. I didn’t realized I was responding on an existing thread, which is not related to this issue, until now!

    This is related to sanctions of google on Iran!
    And I change my server to Iran 2 days ago, then this problem appears!
    This issue not related to your best analytics plugin. Sorry, Thanks for helping…


    i got the same problem with the message:

    Last Error: 2015-08-06 11:09:24: (403) Error calling GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accounts/~all/webproperties/~all/profiles?start-index=1&key=AIzaSyBG7LlUoHc29ZeC_dsShVaBEX15SfRl_WY: (403) This service is not available from your country

    i have tried the following:
    – reinstall GADWP
    – disable all Plugins and tried to connect with Google Analytics (same error)
    – used more than one WordPressPage on same Hosting (now all disconnected)
    – At Analytics all properties deleted and created one new

    Everytime the same error. Any idea?
    Is something in the database which i can check?

    thx 4 your help

    Stop! and focus on the error itself. It’s useless to try and retry when the error is pretty clear: This service is not available from your country.

    If the service is AVAILABLE in your country, go ahead and follow the steps described here: https://deconf.com/error-codes-in-google-analytics-dashboard-for-wordpress/ (see 403, countryBlocked). Send that form (use your server IP) and retry after a few days.

    There is an Error on Googles and Hosters side.
    Google has the IP-Block defined with a wrong country. My hoster will check it with Google and hope fix it very soon.


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