• Resolved bella.sovmiz


    My Google Analytics Widget is suddenly not loading and gives the following error message:

    You need to log in and select an account in the $1options panel$2.

    However, when I try to access the options panel from my WP Dashboard, it asks me to Log in using Google’s OAuth system. When I try to do that, I am informed that this is outdated and I need to contact the developer of the software using this method.

    Please advise.


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  • Hi,

    I think you’re talking about a different plugin, this is Google Analytics Dashboard for WP, aka GADWP.

    No he’s right; I just created another support entry for the same issue.
    Sorry, just found this one.


    I can’t replicate it. Can you try to disable all other plugins and authorize again.

    Meanwhile I will also check the library, but I’m pretty sure it’s using the latest stable version, and of course OAuth 2.

    FYI: If another plugin loads an older version of the library, GADWP uses that library, so it may throw these errors when it’s unable to load its own library, which usually is the latest stable version.

    I just disabled my plug-ins and reactivated all of them and GADWP seems to be working. I think your last comment was right; about the older version.

    Thanks for your help and quick replies.

    Just make sure you identify the plugin loading that outdated library. That plugin can generate lots of errors if not updated.

    I have this error also. I deactivated all plugins and reactivated them, and it’s still there. How do you “authorize again?”

    Hey, deactivate them, authorize the plugin and then reactivate the others.

    But what you should do is to deactivate one by one, and try to authorize after each step. When you’re able to properly authorize, the last deactivated plugin is the one causing the issue.


    I got it . . .

    Hi – getting same error. Have followed your suggestion above and am still seeing ‘Google no longer supports OAuth 1.0’ error message when I try to authorise GADWP (even with all other plugins deactivated). What would you recommend that I do?

    Disable all plugins and switch to a default theme.

    You’re using the latest version of GADWP, right?

    If anyone manages to identify the plugins and themes causing the issue list them here and announce the author.

    Hi. I removed the plugin and reinstalled from the WP plugin repository. Works fine now. Thanks!

    I am getting this error message as well. Google no longer supports OAuth 1.0.

    I turned off all plugins and then tried to authorize, but it didn’t work. I deleted the plugin and re-installed a fresh version, still doesn’t work.

    That error it’s not coming from GADWP if you’re using the latest version, it’s from somewhere else.

    Have you switched to a default theme like twenty fifteen?

    You’ll have to identify where the deprecated library gets loaded and remove it.

    I hope you’re using Google Analytics Dashboard for WP, version 4.7.3, right?

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