Hi, thank you for your feedback. We recently made important changes to the way Cunjo works.
When we launched in March this year we were confident we are going to have the community support and have users that are willing to register for premium membership so that we can keep serving the widgets from our servers and offer inbound social signals stats to users with the help of short urls (cunjo.com/ALIAS – links you are experiencing issues with).
The support never came, and our servers costs increased dramatically since we were serving thousands of websites widgets. So we had to recently take the decision to stop serving widgets from our servers and offer the constructor of widgets built in the WordPress plugin. This also means we are not going to support short cunjo.com urls, when something is shared from the widgets it will share your regular links.
We are now in the process of moving everything, and by this Sunday the widget streaming will be closed, so we recommend upgrading to latest version in order to keep using the widgets.
We will keep storing and providing your social analytics on our servers EXCEPT for inbound links because we dropped short url’s.
We sent a mass notification email about the changes to all users, because we have +23k registered users is sending for 2 days now and you should receive the email soon.
About the widgets library issue my reply is same as to Alex IEBS, please let us know what your IT replied about the issue.
We are sorry for any issues caused.