Hi oooorgle! Thank you for such a speedy response ??
While I was awaiting the modification, I temporarily added author back to the widget (opts: author|source|Auto Refresh). After updating to v0.4.1, I tested the fix by unticking author and it appeared to work.
However, when further playing with the widget options, I came across the following which mostly has to do with Auto Refresh enabled:
- When reverting to the above options, the comma is missing which is fine by me because the author and cite is differentiated by the font size. It would be nice though if the cite could be placed on a separate line to accommodate a long source title (widget only). Since the comma is now missing, I decided to separate the author and cite on different lines so inserted a break on line 3243 before the
tag. (Understanding that it’s not a good solution as updates will overwrite.) The change does not appear in Auto Refresh mode but does when disabled.
- If a First Name and Last Name is provided, the cite doesn’t render. It is only showing the first and last name with a comma at the end (ex: FirstName LastName,). If only a First Name is provided, it renders fine.
For now, I have disabled Auto Refresh.
PS. I really like the fact that you provide recognition of member contributions towards your plugin in your Changelog.