• Can’t get your featured image icons to line up next to your post title?
    I have been fighting this on and off for a few months, but finally found the answer. My icon images are 66×66. Not sure if that matters or not.

    • Open index.php in the ‘Add Posts to Pages’ plugin folder
    • Find line #122:

      //If images: <h#>, else:

    • if($img){$out .= ‘<‘.$h.’ class=”title” style=”clear:none; line-height: ##px;” ;>’;} else {$out .= ‘
    • ‘;}
    • Change the ## to a higher or lower px depending upon what you used in your shortcode [add_posts category=blah h=3 img=true]
    • Keep tweaking the px size until your list looks right to you. Test on a mobile device as well. I have found that ‘vertical-align’ is useless since it doesn’t seem to help.

      Good luck, Pressers!
      Just-Jack, Bogue, NC (Coastal Heaven)


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