• Hi,
    i have installed the wp_Einsatz plugin and it sounds nice for my case. I want to create a history for every year. And i want to Display the last “Einsatz” in the sidebar on the right side. I use the template “Risen”. could you please help me, how i can insert the last one into the sidebar? i can create the list for all missions. When i want to create an Archive, how i must set the correct shortcode? and it is possible to make a link for the detailpage to the selected Mission?

    thanks for your help and Kind regards,


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  • Anonymous User 12962003


    There should be a new widget “Letzter Einsatz” in menu “Design -> Widgets” which could be added to your page.
    The plugin actually does not support shortcodes known from other plugins. The created filtered lists, it is necessary to add a user definded field with the name “jahr” with value “2013”.


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