• Hi, thanks for this great plugin, we’ve been using it in almost every site we build and we have some information about running the plugin on nginx servers.

    Short story: When we update plugins/WP core in our live server, our process is to create a copy of the live site (called “Test Restore”), update all plugins and WP core on the copy version and check if something is broken or not. If not, we then update the live site.

    In this process we notice that when we copy the live site, the copy runs on Nginx servers while the live, usually, on Apache. So, we noticed that the Widget Context plugin does not work well on the copy version of the site. We contacted our host support guys to check the problem and here is the entire conversation with the details:


    Hey folks! There’s something that we have been finding about test restores (copy version of the live site) – it seems like widgetcontext doesn’t work well with test restores. That plugin dictates that widgets show up on some pages, but not others, and on test restores widgets disapear from places they should be. When we go and make updates on live, we find that all the widgets do show up. Let me know if you want to set up a skype call so that I can show you this use case. Thanks!

    Host support reply:

    Hi, this error is being caused because of the way URLs are handled in nginx webserver which we use on our test restore servers. The production servers would be most likely Apache based. The plugin makers need to fix this at their end. They are not handling nginx well.

    You can ask them to fix check_widget_visibility/context_check_url functions.



    So, my question would be: is there something you guys could check or fix in order to solve this issue with Nginx servers? Thank you!


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