• I’m investigating an issue for a client. The site is running WordPress 4.4.3 and theCartPress

    When theCartPress plugin is active, widget areas don’t open (disclosure arrows are non-responsive and I see the following JavaScript errors in the console:

    [Error] TypeError: jQuery( 'ul#widget-customvalues-widget-__i__-tcp_custom_field_list' ).sortable is not a function. (In 'jQuery( 'ul#widget-customvalues-widget-__i__-tcp_custom_field_list' ).sortable', 'jQuery( 'ul#widget-customvalues-widget-__i__-tcp_custom_field_list' ).sortable' is undefined)
    	global code (widgets.php:3559)
    [Error] TypeError: jQuery( '.tcp-date-picker' ).datepicker is not a function. (In 'jQuery( '.tcp-date-picker' ).datepicker( {
    		dateFormat	: 'yy-mm-dd',
    		showOn		: 'both',
    		buttonText	: '<i class="dashicons dashicons-calendar-alt"></i>',
    	} )', 'jQuery( '.tcp-date-picker' ).datepicker' is undefined)
    	(anonymous function) (tcp_admin_scripts.js:282)
    	j (load-scripts.php:2:27315)
    	fireWith (load-scripts.php:2:28124)
    	ready (load-scripts.php:2:29968)
    	J (load-scripts.php:2:30328)
    [Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.hasClass')
    	(anonymous function) (load-scripts.php:638:1534)
    	dispatch (load-scripts.php:4:8555)
    	handle (load-scripts.php:4:5258)
    	trigger (load-scripts.php:4:7656)
    	trigger (load-scripts.php:8:6737)
    	(anonymous function) (load-scripts.php:4:15525)
    	each (load-scripts.php:2:2980)
    	each (load-scripts.php:2:840)
    	trigger (load-scripts.php:4:15498)
    	(anonymous function) (load-scripts.php:637:2925)
    	j (load-scripts.php:2:27315)
    	fireWith (load-scripts.php:2:28124)
    	x (load-scripts.php:5:22123)
    	b (load-scripts.php:5:26032)

    Short of disabling theCartPress (not an option), is there a solution to this issue? Is this a known issue that’s been fixed in theCartPress


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