Widget Admin and Firefox 3
Just wanted to alert you all to something I discovered. Y’all can do with the info what you wish. I, for one, hope it gets fixed toot sweet.
I just installed a new blog on a virgin domain. I design themes for a living and threw one of my own themes on this pup, and knew for sure the code worked fine on a 2.5 blog. The theme has three different widget areas.
When I went in to edit the widget areas, I put some widgets into RightCol, which is the first area listed in functions.php. Then I switched to BottomLeft and put a widget in there. Whoa? how did it get in RightCol when I pushed the button? Switched back to BottomLeft and no widget there. Tried putting a widget in BottomRight. Same result. Nothing in BottomRight, but the one I thought I put in BottomRight ended up in RightCol. Okay, this is frustrating.
I checked the code, I checked to see if there were changes in the theming that I didn’t know about that might be in the codex, I checked the code again, then tried someone else’s theme with more than one widget area. It didn’t work either. Damn! So I reuploaded all wordpress files thinking maybe something got corrupted in the upload or something. No difference. Oh, and it always throws everything into the widget area listed first in functions.php, no matter the theme.
So I tried the theme on a 2.5 test bed. Oh. Doesn’t work there either? That makes no sense. It USED to work there!
So, what’s different since last time I worked with widget placement? I upgraded to Firefox 3. So I tried Opera. And guess what? Widget admin works fine in Opera 9.5!
I just wanted to pass this on, in case anyone else is having issues.
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