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  • sure – in theme’s style.css look at
    # body, #content, #main, #colophone, etc.
    adjust widths accordingly
    make a backup 1st

    you should also consider making a child theme so changes won’t get overwritten on theme update

    Thread Starter larry2580


    Hi Samuel,
    Thanks for responding. I really appreciate it. I am editing the child theme and have a backup. The width is 960 throughout. I updated from 960 to 1000 but the site is still 960. I tested on four different browsers. Is it bad form to copy and paste the Stylesheet on the post? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Is it bad form to copy and paste the Stylesheet on the post?

    the stylesheet can be accessed from the link to your site;
    otherwise, for posting code see:

    I updated from 960 to 1000

    where? there is no trace of that in any of the stylesheets.

    if you add
    #main { width: 1000px; }
    to the end of the style.css of the child theme, you should get a wider theme;
    will need some fine-tuning; for instance:

    #main, #colophon { width:1000px; }
    .bottom-header, .middle-header { width:1000px!important; }
    #home-coin-slider { width: 990px; }
    #content { width: 725px!important; }
    .home #content { width: 435px!important; }
    Thread Starter larry2580


    Hi alchymyth,
    Thank you so much for the detailed response. I very much appreciate it. I made the changes and didn’t really like what I saw. I realized that instead of a fixed width, I want a flexible width that fills the whole screen. I don’t want to have large amounts of empty space on the screen nor do I want anyone visiting having to scroll horizontally. I would like to have standard width (whatever that is), for both left and right sidebars. I would like the main page sidebar to fill the remaining space. I ended up restoring the stylesheet and decided to share the pastebin here:

    Thanks everyone for your help!!!

    Thread Starter larry2580


    Hello alchymyth,
    I went back over your post and realized that I don’t really want to go over 1024. I made the adjustments to 1024 and everything you suggested was PERFECT!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! The coin-slider calculation was very smart. There is only one additional request I have. Would I need to change pixel size since it’s been increased to 1024?

    Would I need to change pixel size since it’s been increased to 1024?

    pixel size of what and where?

    Thread Starter larry2580


    I guess nothing. I thought I read somewhere that if you increase the size of your site you would have to increase the pixel size of your content. I don’t know.

    Thread Starter larry2580


    Hello alchymyth and anyone else who could help,
    Two ?’s:
    1) Is there a way to center the content within the coin-slider?
    2) How would I widen the right sidebar?

    there are five elements in the slider – what do you mean wit ‘center’ ?

    #right-sidebar { width: ???; }

    to compensate, you either need to change the width of the whole page or the center or the left sidebar.

    Thread Starter larry2580


    Hi alchymyth,
    Since I widened the slider the elements are aligning left so that there is empty space to the right. Not a lot but it’s noticeable to me.

    Would you please teach me how to change both the left and center sidebars? I would like my left sidebar to be 280 px (as well as my right) and the center content to be 436 to have a 14 px gap b/t the middle and sides. I hope that made sense. This way, I’m preserving the 1024 width.

    these are all pure css problems – and therefore not the primarily concern of this forum.

    you already have all the neccessary css ids or classes mentioned in this thread – i suggest you are proceeding with trial and error and start changing the widths of the involved css styles.

    Thread Starter larry2580


    I promise you, I’ve changed the widths to what I really think should work but I’m getting nothing but frustration. Please help. This is what I’ve done:

    #content { width: 750px!important; }
    .home #content { width: 436px!important; }
    #sidebar {width:280px!important;}

    My apologies if I shouldn’t be posting here. Where else should I post a how-to ?

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