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  • try using an absolute file path to the image;

    instead of:
    <img class="float-left" src="images/fallpoem.jpg" alt="Fall Poem" width="460" border="0" height="255">

    try and use:
    <img class="float-left" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/fallpoem.jpg" alt="Fall Poem" width="460" border="0" height="255">

    about bloginfo:

    alchymyth is correct, it is not displaying your image because the path to the image is broken. Your theme isn’t in the main directory, it is in wp-content/themes/your-theme-name, therefore you need to call that out in the img src like this:

    <img class="float-left" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/fallpoem.jpg" alt="Fall Poem" width="460" border="0" height="255" />

    Thread Starter vytaulla51


    Thanks, thanks, thanks! Duh!

    When we finish the site up and move it to the primary directory, will I need to go in and remove all those <?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?> ‘s?

    Thanks again!

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