• Hello I am trying to install the WordPress Plugin, SNAP by Next scripts which posts my entries into WordPress onto various social network sites, I am trying to link it to my facebook account but I am getting the following error:

    -= This is normal technical authorization info that will dissapear (Unless you get some errors) =-
    [page] => NextScripts_SNAP.php
    [code] => AQBTkz-T3PVXQuWAs3BwrajA226U6e6zQfieJK9WjzLq663VkV3FkEiWleqBx6wRr9g5Kz1jdiCnym1wxCO3Ob2wjPM_crSOHZK2mOd5ZUMnzfgP1ejwTHn59kZIleO37GgbDb77WPfXfmrG7nJrGI1OCIKlsKzps2U8OcMHzMOv4-KHflJIeERLVCpX4RQdbEeyhxdtaGDxzWHsXWO7p5C6Q3nxVTHTUML2r2cEJxWllKWCEuXj_Jgean8pF1Iafs-qklr5798jeusjrFxjVOyzyPC588cJGG5ktUWT1kZ6prujNqxHkl3ZAzIy4uFhqzs
    [state] => nxs-fb-0
    [page] => NextScripts_SNAP.php
    [atpKey] =>
    [doFB] => 1
    [nName] => casperibiza
    [fbAppID] => 368208103347598
    [fbAppSec] => d6a043c98f719a3093d063e7f5e3d1da
    [catSel] => 0
    [catSelEd] =>
    [postType] => A
    [fbAttch] => 2
    [fbAttchAsVid] => 0
    [imgUpl] => 1
    [fbMsgFormat] => New post (%TITLE%) has been published on %SITENAME%
    [fbMsgAFrmt] =>
    [useFBGURLInfo] => 0
    [riComments] => 0
    [riCommentsAA] => 0
    [rpstDays] => 0
    [rpstHrs] => 0
    [rpstMins] => 0
    [rpstOn] => 0
    [rpstStop] => O
    [rpstOnlyPUP] => 0
    [fltrsOn] => 0
    [rpstBtwDays] => Array
    [fbURL] => https://www.facebook.com/casperibiza
    [fbPgID] => casperibiza
    WP_Error Object
    [errors:private] => Array
    [http_request_failed] => Array
    [0] => couldn't connect to host
    [error_data:private] => Array

    After reading through the Troubleshooting FAQ on their website it says:

    'You need to contact your hosting provider. This error means something on your server prevents your site from connecting to Facebook.com. It could mean that DNS is broken on your server or your server disallows outgoing connections. Either way this is something your hosting provider needs to look at.

    *** If you are getting Failed to connect to 2a03:2880:2110:9f01:face:b00c:0:4: Network is unreachable – 2a03:2880:2110:9f01:face:b00c:0:4 is IPV6 address. IPv6 is a new Internet Protocol standard. This error means that IPv6 is activated, but it is not correctly configured on your server. You need to contact your hosting provider about that.'


    Is this the case, if so is there any way around it. I only have free hosting is this the issue?

    I'm so confused, I have tried installing just the Facebook one as well and linking it to my App ID but nothing happens the fields just go blank again.

    If it is a hosting issue could someone recommend a hosting site that will allow me to do this, prefably free for now, as I'm making the website for someone else and i'm just trying to test this out before paying for hosting.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Thread Starter tastebudscafe


    I also signed up for another hosting site, 000webhost.com and Byethost and I had the same error on both…

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