• Resolved PetLvr


    https://HART-Empire.com … I have several blogs and I am not a newbie. I have two host servers. Everything on one server works. This and another blog, is on a different server – but the second one works!. This does not. My last post was Friday. I knew it existed Saturday morning. According to feedburner my feed stopped at 11:51am Saturday, and now it’s a white screen. All the files are still there and the server is not down. My 404-Error file doesn’t even click in, it just loads white space.

    Are there any suggestions or directions that I can go to get this up and running? Does this sound like a database problem? I’d hate to restore a backup – because quite frankly I don’t trust what I’ve been backing up .. (EDIT: Not that I can load WordPress to restore it anyway) sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t .. that’ with both skippy.net and that other laughing lizard one. I know if I toss a non-blog related index.html or another index.php into my root directly – it will load.

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  • Thread Starter PetLvr


    Okay. I created a brand new blog as I suggested, with different prefix. It worked. I couldn’t figure out how to import the exported tables individually into the new prefix tables. So, I contacted “live chat” and this is what was done. I created a SECOND MySql database with a different database name, with a different mysql username , and different Password. The ‘support’ guy used Mysql Client to dump the tables into a backup.sql file. There were 11 tables in all – (9 plus two _ss_search and _ss_stats tables – must be a plug in). Then, he imported them into this new database 2.

    I changed the variables in wp-config.php file for this new database and username and password.

    I try going to https://HART-Empire.com again and .. drats – I get the same problem – blank screen… This is view source..
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD>

    hmm. so do you have the ajax spell checker plugin? it really has to be something like that which you need to take out. seeing how you don’t have access to the sql end of things, i would ask your support guy to delete the current “wp_options” table (ported from your original WP) and ask him to put the other newer one (unaltered from setup) back — pretty sure your site will work then. then you just have to redo all your plugins…

    Thread Starter PetLvr


    I have access to Myphpadmin and my database … I believe the ss_stats is the shortstats option.

    I still am up fiddling with this. I tried 3 times now. with https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/restore/ podz restore guide. I’ve restored from both ends. I’ve tried to empty the shortstats .. If I were drinking coffee I’d pull my hair out.. soon it will be morning and I’ll make a pot of coffee and probably be in same boat ?? .. I wish someone helpful would be willing to look at it. I’m going nowhere.

    PS: I don’t have the ajax spell checker .. in my plugin folder, there is tons of plugins, but not activated. I’m sure there are many that was activated ..

    Thread Starter PetLvr


    chanzero — take a look at my site https://HART-Empire.com … I AM UP! 100% Recovery! WooHoo!!

    I took your advice.

    First, in the 2nd/new database, I exported options table basically following the https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/backup/ instructions.

    Second, I exported options table in my dummy database/. It was the first attempt to create i.e. WP_2 tables with new installation.

    Third, in my 2nd/new database, I clicked on the database and ticked the options table and “empty”‘ed it.

    Fourth – I loaded the backup_options.sql of the second option above, into notepad, and manually copied everything except the header into the field, overwriting some text that was there, and pressed GO.

    The page was blank still – but, it was orange or whatever the surrounding background of my page is. So, I went directly into /wp-admin/ and activated all my plugins.
    Then, I loaded up the options of my PetLvr.com/blog/ – because all options are set the same for me – and I set my options, and created the permalink structure.

    Then – it loaded! *whew* ..

    Obviously had some side effects – Pre-issue I had about 10 feedburner count. Now I’ve got 1 (me).. Oh well. Precautions for next time.

    Take care.

    although i don’t quite get the cause of your problem, it’s good to hear you’re back up ??

    wow. I just had this exact problem so I’m going post something here in case other people run to this.

    Basically I wasn’t having issues with the plugin mentioned but this WAS caused by SOME plugin. I deleted every plugin in my folder and the site load up fine. Then I systematically added the ones that I still used one by one. I never really tracked down the faulty one, but since I didn’t use it anymore I didnt really care.

    Thanks for the posts and updates guys.

    My wordpress blog is hosted with Dreamhost and I found this in their support wiki:

    If you have “blank pages” in WordPress with wp-cache turned on after you upgrage to PHP 5.1.2 – there is simple fix to solve the problem:-

    1. Open wp-cache-phase2.php file* in your favourite text editor
    2. Find out wp_cache_ob_end function
    3. then inside that function find out line with: ob_end_clean(); (it should be line 219 or about)
    4. and finally replace that line with: ob_end_flush();

    I had already turned off wp-cache, but this solved my problem of a blank screen on every first load.


    I run WordPress version 2.2 latest one, php version is 4.2.2

    it isnworking anymore, I tried the fix mentioned in the last reply but I cant locate that particular file. Can somebody help me. Kind regards,


    wp-cache-phase2.php is on your server in the folder wp-content / plugins / wp-cache. By the way, pvalente’s instructions fixed the problem for me. Thanks!

    Thank you everyone who contributed to this post. I had been agonizing over this (same problem with white screen) for the last few weeks, and pvalente‘s fix worked perfectly for me.


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