Why end all my contact form mails in spam map?
Hello Guido,
Every message that is send from my vscf contact form ends up in the spam map.
In PHPMailer i change Return-Path to my postmaster adres.
I am not able to change the from address to the address of the sender.
I think that is de reason it is marked as spam every time.
How can i change the from address the same as the contact form sender?Sorry i can’t disclose the domain of my local dev wordpress instance.
Return-Path: <[email protected]> Delivered-To: [email protected] Received: from mail.xxxxxxxx.xxx by server3.xxxxxxx.xxx with LMTP id --------- (envelope-from <[email protected]>) for <[email protected]>; Tue, 12 Jul 2022 00:57:18 +0200 Received: by mail.xxxxxx.xxx (Postfix, from userid 33) id 4BCA761DC0; Tue, 12 Jul 2022 00:57:17 +0200 (CEST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=xxxxx.xxx; s=2020010801; t=1657580237; h=from:from:sender:reply-to:reply-to:subject:subject:date:date: message-id:message-id:to:to:cc:mime-version:mime-version: content-type:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:in-reply-to: references; bh== To: [email protected] Subject: WWW Contact formulier. Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2022 22:57:17 +0000 From: NAME <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] Message-ID: ---------------- MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Spam: Yes Xxxx [email protected] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla orci nisl, dictum ac mi ut, ultrices sodales neque. Morbi nec orci a est rhoncus lobortis non ac risus. Suspendisse pharetra enim a lorem bibendum, egestas consectetur enim scelerisque. Quisque venenatis dui non odio bibendum, quis tempor leo pellentesque. In ullamcorper blandit magna, sed gravida quam sagittis nec. Suspendisse porttitor, purus ac aliquam accumsan, leo eros vehicula diam, eu hendrerit libero risus id odio. Nullam vehicula lorem vitae arcu molestie, et aliquet justo cursus. Sed a magna quam. Sed ut cursus leo. Ut eros tellus, interdum ac elit in, consequat aliquam massa. Pellentesque gravida interdum finibus. Suspendisse eu lacinia lorem. Privacy toestemming: Ik ga ermee akkoord dat dit contact formulier persoonlijke gegevens verzamelt. IP-adres: xx.xx.xx.xxx
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