Why doesn’t WooCommerce show translated in the Flatsome child theme?
It’s clear that I’m not doing things
I am using Flatsome, the child theme to be exact( faltsome-child )
I duplicated the flatsome.po file and moved it to the languages folder of the child theme (themes/flatsome-child/languages)
Now the text strings appear to be translated from flatsome.
The problem arises with WooCommerce is not translated, I do not see it translated although in loco Translae, it shows translated into Spanish.
I didn’t do something right.
I’m looking for information on the Loco Translate site, but I can’t find anything.
Why don’t I see WooCommerce translated when it is translated and everything is translated in the parent theme?
Do you know where to find more detailed documentation ?
I keep looking for solutions.`define( ‘CMDM_THEME_FOLDER’, get_stylesheet_directory() );</p> <p>/* Traducciones<br>============================================================================ */</p> <p>function cmdm_child_theme_setup()<br>{<br>load_child_theme_textdomain( ‘flatsome-child’, CMDM_THEME_FOLDER . ‘/languages’ );<br>}</p> <p>add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘cmdm_child_theme_setup’ );`
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