• Resolved goldmember


    newbie here. I installed a theme called Andreas01. how come my home/index page doesn’t show up in the listing of pages when I’m on the “Edit Pages” screen?

    where do i go to edit the content of my homepage?

    this is my first wordpress site so pardon my ignorance.

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  • Can you post the site so we can see it?

    It may be that it’s not a page – it may be set to your posts as a default. Check in the ‘reading’ section under settings and see what your default home page is. We may be able to help you from there…

    You can create a page called home and put whatever you want on it if you want to start fresh, and then use those same settings above to direct people to ‘home’ page as home.

    Thread Starter goldmember


    https://www.goldcoastchamber.com/wordpress/ is the site. i created another page “other page” that is also feeding the “Home” page, but ultimately I want to get rid of one of these pages and have just one act as the “Home”. But since I cant figure out how to edit “Home” I created this other one.

    On the “Readings Settings” it only gives me the option for:
    1. Your Latest Posts (which I do not want because I want the homepage to just have a Welcome blurb and other stuff that will stay constant)

    2. A Static Page (here I selected ‘Other Page’) because I didn’t see any option for ‘Home’.

    Please advise. Thanks!

    By default most wordpress themes display a list of your latest x number of posts. In Settings >> Reading you can change this by selecting a page to be displayed on the homepage instead of a list of your latest posts. This is called a “static page” because a list of your latest posts are always changing, a page is not.

    In wordpress, there is a difference between a Post and a Page. Neither of them are actual files that you can see when you FTP to your site. They are both stored in a database. The actual files are called templates and can be accessed by going to Themes >> Editor. The templates only determine how the content of posts and pages will be displayed. The templates don’t actually contain any content itself.

    So if you want to change the content of your homepage you can do one of two things. You can first make a Page (Pages >> Add New) and then in Reading Settings you can assign that page to be the homepage. There are videos on youtube that outline this process.

    The other option is to go to the theme editor and edit the index.php template to suit your needs. You should do this only if you are familiar with html/css and php.

    Thread Starter goldmember


    so i did what you said in the second to last paragraph, added a new page and set that as the default homepage. but i cant figure out how to remove the link for “Home” in my lefthand nav bar. I dont need it anymore since its not going to be my homepage. My new homepage is “Other Page”.

    please advise. thanks!

    OK, so you now see, I think, that you could set ‘Other Page’ or any page you create be your home page. As I mentioned above, you can call your newly created page ‘Home’ and set this as your default.

    To remove that link from your listed pages (sidebar or wherever), try this:

    1) Click on Pages>>Edit. Scroll over the ‘edit’ function of your page nominated as Home. If you look at the very bottom left of your screen, this page should be assigned a number. eg. https://yoursite.com/wp-admin/page.php?action=edit&post=2

    (even though it’s a page it is still assigned a post number)

    2) Go into Appearance>>Editor and under your sidebar.php find a section that looks something like this:

    <?php wp_list_pages(‘exclude=6,52&title_li=&depth=4&sort_column=menu_order’); ?>

    The example used is one of mine and you may have various instructions in here, but the important part is how it starts out ie. “<?php wp_list_pages “

    You will see I have excluded some pages in my list of pages, and you can do the same. Just add the ‘exclude=’ and the number then ‘&’ before the next instruction. The ‘ marks are mine to show you what to add, but do ensure your instructions fall within the ‘ marks in the bracket.

    This is not easy to articulate…hmmm! Please feel free to ask if you require clarification.

    Thread Starter goldmember


    thanks SMA. In my template, the sidebar stuff is located in my header.php file.

    so within header.php, i edited the line you mentioned so now it says
    <?php wp_list_pages('exclude=19&sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li='); ?>

    however, that didnt seem to exclude my “Other Page” which has the following address, when I hover over the Edit button: https://www.goldcoastchamber.com/wordpress/wp-admin/page.php?action=edit&post=19

    any ideas why it’s not excluding it? perhaps it has something to do with the fact that wordpress is not in my main root folder?

    please advise. thanks!

    Thread Starter goldmember


    someone please help. thank you!

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