OK, so you now see, I think, that you could set ‘Other Page’ or any page you create be your home page. As I mentioned above, you can call your newly created page ‘Home’ and set this as your default.
To remove that link from your listed pages (sidebar or wherever), try this:
1) Click on Pages>>Edit. Scroll over the ‘edit’ function of your page nominated as Home. If you look at the very bottom left of your screen, this page should be assigned a number. eg. https://yoursite.com/wp-admin/page.php?action=edit&post=2
(even though it’s a page it is still assigned a post number)
2) Go into Appearance>>Editor and under your sidebar.php find a section that looks something like this:
<?php wp_list_pages(‘exclude=6,52&title_li=&depth=4&sort_column=menu_order’); ?>
The example used is one of mine and you may have various instructions in here, but the important part is how it starts out ie. “<?php wp_list_pages “
You will see I have excluded some pages in my list of pages, and you can do the same. Just add the ‘exclude=’ and the number then ‘&’ before the next instruction. The ‘ marks are mine to show you what to add, but do ensure your instructions fall within the ‘ marks in the bracket.
This is not easy to articulate…hmmm! Please feel free to ask if you require clarification.