• Hello,

    I have been having issues with WordPress for days now, mostly having to do with the 5 Minute Install and also my login issues.

    The latest issue I have been having since installing a fresh copy of the web-hosted version of WordPress on Bluehost is once my installation is complete and I receive the username “admin” and then a password, after my intitial login I am now able to sign back in.

    I was advised yesterday here in the forum to do the “phpMyadmin” reset of my password, which went successful until I tried to login and once again the password for my admin comes up “incorrect”

    I signed back into the “phpMyadmin” to see if the new password I set was still there, and turns out somehow my password was reset by itself replacing my old password with a long chain of numbers and letters.

    I’m not sure why this keeps happening, I have not been able to login to my WordPress account now for 1 full day.

    Can anyone solve this issue or figure out why my password keeps resetting itself???

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  • Okay, closed your other threads where this seems to be the recurring topic.

    Why not ask for an install at install4free so we can get to the bottom of this.


    Here is a very clear, large-image oriented tutorial for resetting your admin user data via phpMyAdmin that you may not have seen. Perhaps it may be easier to follow if you desire to attempt the procedure again before seeking an assisted solution.


    somehow my password was reset by itself replacing my old password with a long chain of numbers and letters.

    That is the MD5 hashed, obfuscated, check-summed, or encoded if you like, version of your plain text password. I really believe that you have either omitted, or performed out of order, some small step of the procedure. Make sure you follow the MD5 hash function dropdown selection precisely, and that you actually commit your changes before leaving phpMyAdmin. This procedure works. I have used it. …and it is a good learning opportunity. If it does fail again, perhaps there are other issues at play, and an assisted solution may be in order as MichaelH suggests.

    Best of luck to you.

    Type your password correctly and keep it in mind………….. then try again for it. You can find remedy……… It may be because of some installation problem.

    Close your account and rechange your password.Then u can try again. And check it your password.

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