Hi Maeve,
thanks for your detailed answer. Still I do not get you. Please can you tell me one reason. What is not working with the template files located in your plugin?
What you do is a issue from the past. BuddyPress has done it in the early days. It has no benefit. It just makes your plugin not usable and for me it feels like a no go.
People are used to copy only the template files they need from the plugin to the theme. I have a company getting a lot of support requests every day and there is no support nightmare at all with the template system in WordPress. I think one of the reasons WooCommerce has such success is the template system.
JJJ has created a nice template system for BBPress. Please give it a look.
With your system you add the template files into the theme. What if I switch the theme. You even do not tell the user that you add the templates to the theme. I think this is a huge issue! I was shocked recognising that you added the templates to my theme without asking.
Also the template files will be overwritten with every theme update.
What happens if I update the theme? All templates missing?
What if you change some template files? Updates will become a nightmare.
Also BuddyPress switched from a theme based template system to a plugin based.
Many famous plugins leave behind what you think is a new way.
You write you want to have your plugin working with every theme. This has nothing to do with where you locate the template files.
I think WordPress needs a Knowledgebase plugin. Your plugin look very nice. But with this templates copy to the theme, I can not recommend your plugin.
Also imagine all the people testing your plugin and decide against it have the template files left as waste in there theme.
I hope you change your opinion on this as I really would like to work with your Knowledgeable and promote it to my customers.
Hope to here your thoughts on this.