• Hi Everyone,

    Two things I’d appreciate help on…

    1. Why is it that I have abou 498 posts in my blog, but some of the permalinks are up in the 800’s. I know if I delete one it makes that number useless and goes to the next when adding new posts, but I definitely havent deleted hundreds of posts.

    2. In the routine below, I am able to apply CSS to the title and timestamp but not to the post its self, is there something I am missing here? I’ve tried everything (SPAN tag, etc). I basically want all three variables assoicated with the post to be in the same font.

    <?php $my_query = new WP_Query(‘category_name=text-messages&showposts=1&orderby=rand’);
    while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
    $do_not_duplicate = $post->ID; ?>
    <span class=”message”><?php the_title(); ?> (<?php the_time(‘M d’); ?>): <?php the_content(); ?></span>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    Thank you.


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  • 1) One reason is WP keeps post revisions as separate post ID’s. Pages also use post ID’s

    2) the_content undoubtedly contains a number of tags. You can’t really put a span around all of them.

    I suggest ending the span before the_content and wrap the_content with a div that has an id. If that ID is mycontent then you can create css like
    #mycontent h2, #mycontent p { font-family: .....; }

    You can use View Source to see the tags are within that Div that need CSS applied to them.

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