I have tried every blog software or website I could find. Everything from Blogger, Xanga, MyOwnJournal, MT, TXP, ect. If it had blog/journal in their keywords, I tried it.
Until the other day I was really trying to decide between using WP, TXP or Geeklog. Well, then I checked out the forums here and thta is how I made my decision.
Although WP has many of the features of why I wanted something similar (php/mysql based rather than perl) can use on my own site (unlike blogger) the main reason why I choose WP is because of the support.
People are very helpful here and you can always find the answers to your questions. Although I was a lottle skeptical at first coming to the forums as I wasnt used to not having shown the who was online or how many people were online, I have come to realize that this forum is very much active, more so than I thought.
Now, I am just hoping that the Dev team doesnt get bored with WP as I had that happen with my YabbSE forums and the Dev team there moved onto another project.
And yeah.. WP was soooo easy to install.. even though I honestly thought it was going to take forever, by the info posted during installation.. but I think that is what the Dev team wanted us to think. Surprised I had to barely do a thing and it was all installed ??