Thank you so much. Wow.
So if I can impose on your knowledge and your time for just one further question.
I’m dealing with a really complicated situation here, and I really want an elegant solution.
The website I manage has blockquotes in both English and Arabic.
If I understand you right, this code:
`blockquote p {}
blockquote cite {}
Is to be entered site-wide in this box:
As I have two languages, a RightToLeft and a LeftToRight language, setting the blockquote site-wide will leave me with the same problem I currently have.
What I am wondering is this:
Is it possible to create two customized blockquote styles WITHIN the CSS for the individual blockquote block I have opened using this CSS box:
And in it, specific the following:
-Right to left or Left to Right Text alignment
-Position and size of the open quote icon (Top Left for English Top Right for Arabic)
-Color of the open quote icon
-Font of the open quote icon
-Font family, font size, font weight for blockquote p
-Font family, font size, font weight for blockquote p
-Border size and weight for top border and removing bottom border for English reusable block
-Same border size and weight for bottom border and removing top border for Arabic reusable block
This is a mockup post where I show what the blockquotes look like on WordPress by default right now, and how I want to customize them to look in reusable custom CSS blockqote blocks for English and for Arabic (the mockups were made with a graphic design program so they are PNG’s)
Is what I want to do even possible?
Sorry to ask such a long question. It’s very hard to work with web design in both LTR and RTL languages and I am not a programmer, which sucks, because I really need to be one to accomplish what I need to.
-Font family, font size, font weight for blockquote cite
-Line spacing for blockquote p
-Line spacing for blockquote cite
-Distance from text of the top separator
-Distance from text of the bottom blockquote separator
-Weight and color of the top and bottom separators
-Removing bottom separator for English blockquote
-Removing top separator for Arabic blockquote