The Groups 404 Redirect is what we found as a solution for protecting your pages correctly. And you’re correct, yesterday the dev’s website was down yesterday, but today it seems to be back up:
The way the Groups 404 Redirect plugin works isn’t intuitive (and neither is the Groups plugin in general but that’s an issue with most dev teams – they’re not good at UI/UX whatsoever). I personally think this functionality needs to be built into the core Groups plugin by default. If I were the developer – this is a no brainer.
Here’s how it works:
1. You need to create your own page (we called ours Membership Required) and add the text that you want to display similar to this:
“The page you were trying to access is available to members only. Please login or register in order to view the contents. We apologize for any inconvenience.”
Here’s an example: https://jjfainc.com/membership-required/
After styling the page to your liking and saving the new Membership Required page (or whatever you call yours), you’re going to need to find the page ID which I’ll explain in step #2.
2. To find the page ID, in the WP Dashboard under Pages > Membership Required (or whatever you call yours), look up in the URL bar and you’ll see something similar to this:
The number you need is the 2874 (Yours will be different). Copy this out of that URL and move on to step #3:
3. Open the Groups 404 Redirect plugin settings and you’ll see three options:
A. Redirect to a page or post
B. Redirect to the WordPress login
C. Redirect restricted categories, tags and taxonomy terms …
Make sure option A (Redirect to a page or post) is selected and that options B and C are NOT selected. The page ID you copied out of step #2 needs to be inserted in the Page or Post ID box under the Redirect to a page or post option.
4. You’re done.
Please try this out and reply to this post to let me know if it works. If so, great…
If not, I’m here to help.