• I am a developer with a plugin in the www.remarpro.com plugin repository. When I check in a new revision (eg svn commit …), I get (or rather my spam folder gets) an E-mail about the commit. Since the message has a content-type of text/html, it gets a large spam score and lands in my spam folder. I set the spam scoring for pure HTML messages high for two main reasons: spammers often send pure HTML messages as it is easier to implement phishing messages that way. And secondly because *I* don’t use an E-Mail client that can display HTML messages (this is by *design* — DON’T tell me I should ‘upgrade’ my E-Mail client to one that can handle HTML E-Mail — that is something *I* WILL NOT DO).

    Is there some way to change how the check in messages are sent — that is, is there something I can configure to change this behaviour. If not, *I* would like to make a feature request to ask that such a feature be added. If someone could point to where this is coded, *I* could probably code up this feature my self.

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    That’s a good suggestion. I’ll pass this on to someone who may have the power to address it.

    In the meantime, can you set the sender to your white list so it skips the spam catcher?

    Thread Starter Robert Heller


    Whitelisting is not terribly useful. I bounce pure HTML E-Mail that gets past the spam filter, since there is no real point since I don’t have or use a HTML capable E-Mail client.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    You and me both brother.

    I’ve argued this endlessly, but facts are facts. HTML email is here to stay. It’s not going away, and most people prefer it. Them’s the breaks.

    Thread Starter Robert Heller


    At least can subversion be configured to send out a multipart/alternitive with a text/html AND a text/plain? Or is it possible to just disable the E-mail notification altogether? *I* can probably live without it (well I already effectively live without it).

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Disabling: No. We want plugin authors to get notified when their plugin changes.

    Alternative: Maybe. I don’t know what code is sending that mail. I’ll ask.

    Thread Starter Robert Heller


    Disabling: No. We want plugin authors to get notified when their plugin changes.

    Given that I don’t/can’t read pure HTML E-Mail, I am not being notified when my plugin changes. So long as the notification code sends out pure HTML E-Mail it is, for all practical purposes, not serving its purpose and is effectively a complete waste of bandwidth (again, as far as I am concerned).

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I bounce pure HTML E-Mail that gets past the spam filter…

    Edit THAT bounce. I don’t know what you’re using, but a simple ‘if HTML content and NOT *www.remarpro.com, then turf.’ would do it.

    Thread Starter Robert Heller


    Edit THAT bounce. I don’t know what you’re using, but a simple ‘if HTML content and NOT *www.remarpro.com, then turf.’ would do it.

    That would only be worthwhile if I used an E-Mail client that handled HTML messages. I don’t use such an E-Mail client. It is tiresome to manually decode HTML and not worth my time to bother.

    You don’t have to be able to read HTML email to know that you’ve received an email from www.remarpro.com.

    So if you didn’t make a commit but you receive such an email you’ll know that something might be suspicious, even if you can’t read the actual content of the message.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    That fonglh said.

    I totally understand you can’t read the email, but if you get an email, the SUBJECT line will be useful to know that you edited a plugin. Or not.

    Thread Starter Robert Heller


    <blockquote>I totally understand you can't read the email, but if you get an email, the SUBJECT line will be useful to know that you edited a plugin. Or not. </blockquote>Ugly.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Option 1) Ugly messages but at LEAST you know if you get one, it means your plugin was updated AND if you did not update it yourself, something’s wrong.

    Option 2) Do nothing and if something bad happens, know that we DID try to find some compromise while Otto’s trying to code you a solution.

    I’m not saying you’re not right, I’m saying that since we DO NOT have an answer right now that satisfies you 100%, perhaps you could meet us half-way ?? I hate HTML emails too, but as Otto pointed out, it’s a fight we’re losing, so concessions must be made :/

    Thread Starter Robert Heller


    *I* still think it is *wrong* for the subversion commit messages to be sent as pure-HTML messages. *Every* *other* E-Mail generated by either WordPress sites or by the www.remarpro.com website are either plain text or include a plain text alternitive: from new user registrations, comment moderation notices, to E-Mails about replys to www.remarpro.com support formums. *Only* the svn commit messages are pure-HTML. This is just plain wrong and it is a *glaring* inconsistency.

    And *I* would be willing to fix it.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I agree (which is why I went and got Otto for you). It SHOULD be an option. But until it IS, I am offering you some ideas as a TEMPORARY workaround.

    Stop being hung up on how much it sucks man. It does, you’re right, Otto already said he’d look at it. He’s in San Francisco right now, at WordCamp SF, so you may have to wait a couple days.

    Alternative: Maybe. I don’t know what code is sending that mail. I’ll ask.

    So as soon as they sort THAT out, we should have some kind of answer. Till then, it’s a make-do situation ??

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