• Why does it seem certain CSS is hardcoded into WordPress? It’s driving me crazy. i’ve been using b2 for over 2 years and have never had these issues. I upgraded to WordPress a few weeks ago and just now got around to fitting it into my layout and actually going public with it, and what a PITA it has been.
    Reading the archives I understand alot of regulars here are strongly against colored scrollsbars, and since that’s more of a styling preference for IE users, that’s not the issue.
    The main issues I was pulling my hair out over last night was dealing with the category and content function. I found the answers, but what a PITA! Why is li hardcoded in ?php the_category() ? ? And why is there what seems to be a space in ?php the_content(); ??
    The code should remain as close to plain as possible and let the users spruce it up (especially for people that know minimal CSS manipulation). That’s how b2 was and that’s how a majority of programs are.
    Don’t get me wrong I love WordPress and am happy to be using this FREE weblog software but I just felt I had to vent off some of my frustrations. heck, maybe I don’t understand the way things work and someone can help me.

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  • Why is
    # hardcoded in <?php the_category() ?> ? And why is there what seems to be a
    space in <?php the_content(); ?>?

    And why is a
    We can’t see what code you’re posting, except for the php. Enclose it it backticks (shift+~ (tilde)) and try again. As far as I know, I haven’t come across any CSS that is hard coded. I’ve been able to modify my site any way I’ve wanted it. Now, there is a lot of HTML hard coded into nearly every function in one way or another. Maybe you mean that? (Guessing since I can’t see the code you’ve posted). (Edit: curiously, I looked at the source code for this thread and found that you put an HTML tag, which explains the “breakedness” of your post.)
    It’s important to remember that WordPress is not a later version of b2, it is (nearly) completely re-written. And remember, WP is released under GPL, so if you see something you don’t like, you can modify it w/o any royalties and even release it back to the public your way. If you want to remove the

    • and tags (or any other tag), go right ahead.

    Both of the examples you’ve cited can be easily addressed by consulting our ample documentation.

    Actually the_category does output hardcoded CSS classes, as well as the extra html not everyone wants. I found a solution for this here. It ain’t pretty, but that’s what you get for switching to a system without a full set of template tags. It also works better than modifying the function files because you won’t have to re-edit it every time you upgrade.

    Well, there are tutorials that assist you in modifying the default stylesheet and template. Don’t think of it as a PITA, use it as a reason to learn more CSS. ??

    I have to agree with Eurcynia here. If you are not using the template that WP comes with, it’s PITA to get it to customize. And that’s not even going INTO the drama to get B2 to convert. Somebody should REALLY think about including some better instructions in the Readme for that conversion.
    My main complaint is that when I did a search on how to use colored scrollbars on my site I was able to find one thread. I read that thread and in 19 responses not a SINGLE ONE answered the question yet about 10 of them were post’s about why you should not use colored scrollbars because they do not conform to ‘web standards’.
    I also am gald that there is a free blogging tool out there and I love some of the added features that WP offers. I do, however, feel bad for those people out there that don’t have a good understanding of HTML or CSS because in that catagory, WP in not that user friendly.

    I do, however, feel bad for those people out there that don’t have a good understanding of HTML or CSS because in that category, WP is not that user friendly.

    Sadly, if you want ‘userfriendliness’ you’re more than likely to need to pay for it. It is possible that one day WP will be a viable option for the people you describe, but it’s not there yet and I honestly can’t see it heading in that direction.

    I wish people would stop saying that wordpress is a pain to style. WordPress itself is not since it uses valid xhtml and css. Admittedly css can be tricky but this is not the fault of wordpress, it’s the browsers. Personally I don’t see how much more plain the (outputted) code of wordpress can get than raw semantic xhtml.
    I think some people need to realise that wordpress is not for beginners or people who lack knowledge about css, xhtml and php. WordPress can only be as “userfriendly” as the things that power it. If you don’t want to learn css, xhtml and to a lesser extent php then don’t use a piece of software that relies on them and demands a certain level of competency with them. Of course this is not to say that “beginners” shouldn’t use it, but they should be aware of the caveats of doing so.
    This is not to say that wordpress couldn’t be made simpler to use and its documentation easier to navigate but it is relatively new and growing rapidly so things are bound to improve just as the software improves.
    I think the wider issue, forgetting wordpress is that if users are going to go from more traditional forms of web design (tables, no doctypes, font tags etc) to standards compliant “modern” (ha) techniques using xhtml and css then the bottom line is that they’re gonna have to learn how to use them. And it’s very easy to do, there are thousands of tutorials throughout the web.

    I agree you didn’t look enough:
    Some people don’t like them and express their opinion to that effect, but if they don’t have anything productive to add I would prefer they didn’t say anything at all.
    If you are looking for basic CSS and HTML knowledge, there are more appropiate forums to search. And there is always Google, which never fails to answer any of my questions on the first page. This forum is primarily meant for issues directly related to WordPress.
    A default class declaration in the_category unordered list is not a bug, it’s a feature. A standard set of classes and rich semantics allow people to create things like the style competition and the CSS Zen Garden. If you are writing your own CSS from scratch, you are either going to rename the class in your CSS or the class in the HTML. It’s the exact same amount of effort either way.

    hmm.. I agree with Eurcynia.. and it was not the css but the fact that the different bits your css could apply to are scattered all over the interface. I couldn’t create one stylesheet to change everything I wanted in the whole page for Tejasweb.org in one fell swoop, I had to hunt down div classes etc scattered all over the interface in order to figure out what to change. This took several hours.
    That was a couple months ago so maybe more is documented now elsewhere, but it wasn’t easy tracking everything down and I shudder if I ever have to do it all over again.. because there were places I had to insert custom HTML code and what not and because it is not all in one place, there is not an easy way to save a single solid unitary template that governs everything.

    This script is good and all of us appreciate it.
    My only complaint which is not really a complaint is the one million changes that need to be made to produce a custom layout.

    ?? If you make 1 or 2 or even 10 changes how “custom” can it be? I suppose if you have made one million changes (the stock css has less than 150 styling properties) your layout is pretty darn custom and probably has an attached two car garage. ??

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